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Become a Guest Speaker on Voces Mystica

Join the vanguard of voices redefining the mystical and the occult. Voces Mysticae invites you to step into the circle and share your wisdom, experience, and magick with an engaged and passionate audience hungry for mystical insights.

Who We Are Looking For

We seek the trailblazers, the hidden voices, and the scholarly mages. Whether you’re a seasoned occultist, a respected academic in the realm of mysticism, or a practitioner with unique experiences, if you have insights or revelations that can illuminate the path for others, we want to hear from you.

Choose Your Episode Style

Our podcast, Voces Mysticae, thrives on a non-linear, versatile format that adapts to the fluid nature of the occult and mysticism. Each episode kicks off with a carefully chosen topic that serves as the catalyst for exploration. We begin with a deep dive into the theoretical underpinnings, unraveling the topic’s historical context, philosophical implications, and metaphysical dimensions.

Following the theory segment, we transition into PRAXIS – a practical, hands-on discussion where theory meets application. This segment aims to guide our listeners in integrating the episode’s insights into their personal mystical practices.

To add an element of surprise and further enrichment, we select a bonus topic; this could be an emerging trend, a listener’s question, or an experimental idea pushing the boundaries of traditional thought. The aim of each show varies, reflecting the multifaceted nature of the mystical realm, but the underlying framework ensures a comprehensive exploration that stimulates both the mind and the spiritual practice of our audience.

Episodic Style and Topic

Arcane Chronicles

Historical Analysis

Delving into the intersections of history and occult practices, revealing how past events shape current magickal and mystical traditions.

Examples of Shows in this Series: 

  • Egyptomania: The Influence of Ancient Egyptian Magic on Modern Occultism: 
    • Practical exercise – creating a sigil inspired by hieroglyphs; 
    • Bonus topic – the role of deities in Egyptian magic

Deep Dives on a Mystical Text

Exploring significant mystical and/or magical texts and philosophies, unpacking complex ideas for practical understanding.

Examples of Shows in this Series: 

  • The Hermetica: Examining the teachings and influence of Hermes Trismegistus in Western esotericism; 
    • Practical exercise – conducting an invocation to Hermes; 
    • Bonus topic – alchemical symbolism in Hermetic texts.

Traditional Pathways

Offering insights into various magickal paths, from ancient rites to contemporary practices, and guiding listeners on how to engage with them.

Examples of Shows in this Series: 

  • Primal Craft: Exploring the role of shamans and their practices in different cultures; 
    • Practical exercise – creating a personal journeying ritual; 
    • Bonus topic – the use of entheogens in shamanic ceremonies.

Magickal Tools and Implements

Discussing the significance, use, and creation of tools that enhance magickal work, with expert tips for practitioners.

Examples of Shows in this Series: 

  • Crafty Cauldrons: Investigating the symbolism and practical uses of this traditional tool in witchcraft; 
    • Practical exercise – performing a scrying or spellwork ritual using a cauldron;
    • Bonus topic – the cultural significance of cauldrons in different societies.

Occult Personas

Unveiling the lives and legacies of pivotal figures in the occult world, analyzing their contributions to modern practices.

Examples of Shows in this Series: 

  • The Magician’s Psyche: Israel Regardie and the Quest for Transformation. Examining the contributions of this Golden Dawn member to modern magick and psychology; 
    • Practical exercise – incorporating elements of Regardie’s “Middle Pillar” technique into personal energy work; 
    • Bonus topic – the intersection of psychology and occultism in Regardie’s teachings.

Intersection of Science and Sorcery

Examining the relationship between occultism and science, technology, and materialism, and how they can coexist.

Examples of Shows in this Series:

  • Artificial Sorcery: Technomancy: Investigating the use of technology in modern magick and divination; 
    • Practical exercise – creating a digital sigil and charging it through digital means; 
    • Bonus topic – the role of technology in shifting our understanding and practice of magick.

Magick and the Media

Investigating the portrayal of the occult in media and arts, its impact on public perception, and its reflection of societal shifts.

Examples of Shows in this Series: 

  • Punk Mystics: Occult Symbolism in Music: Exploring the use of occult symbols and themes in music, from classical to modern genres; 
    • Practical exercise – creating a playlist or musical ritual based on occult symbolism; 
    • Bonus topic – the potential impact of music on spiritual experiences and rituals.

Rites and Ceremony

Breaking down specific rituals, offering step-by-step guidance, theoretical foundations, and ethical considerations.

Examples of Shows in this Series: 

  • The 1 and the Many: Solitary vs. Group Rituals: Examining the benefits and drawbacks of both types of rituals, as well as tips for successful group practices; 
    • Practical exercise – planning and executing a ritual with others or practicing a solitary ritual; 
    • Bonus topic – the power dynamics within group rituals and how to maintain balance and consent.

Q&A Live Format

Engaging with the audience through direct questions, fostering a community of learning and exploration.

Examples of Shows in this Series:

  • Apotropaics: Examining various methods for protecting oneself spiritually, emotionally, and physically from negative energies and entities; 
    • Practical exercise – creating a personalized protection charm or amulet; 
    • Bonus topic – the cultural significance of talismans and amulets in different societies.

Promotion and Media Requirements

At Voces Mysticae, we not only give you a platform to share your voice but also actively promote you to our engaged audience. To do this effectively, we require:

  • A short bio and headshot to feature on our website and social media.
  • Any specific images, symbols, or artwork associated with your topic to enhance promotional materials.
  • A brief promotional video (if possible) introducing yourself and your topic to our audience.
  • Crossposting on your media channels when the episode is live

What You Need to Know

The Fine Print: Participation as a guest speaker on Voces Mysticae is on a voluntary basis. While we offer this opportunity freely, certain elements of the show, including but not limited to special editions or premium content, may be part of our paid offerings. Guest appearances are primarily promotional, offering a significant opportunity to reach and engage with a dedicated audience.

The Free Aspect: Your participation as a guest speaker is completely free, serving as a mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and promotion.

The Paid Element: Though your appearance is not compensated, episodes featuring guest speakers may be included in subscription-based archives or special compilations in the future.

Ready to Share Your Magick?

If you’re ready to illuminate the path for others and share your unique voice with the world, Voces Mysticae is your platform. Submit your application through our guest sign up form and join us in the magickal renaissance. Welcome to the circle.

All content featured on Voces Mysticae is subject to copyright laws. Your participation implies consent to use your voice, likeness, and contributed content for promotional and commercial purposes related to Voces Mysticae.

Guest Speaker Inquiry

Welcome to our podcast! We would love to feature you as a guest speaker on one of our shows. This form will help us understand your interest and expertise.

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