Big Dck Energy The Vernal Equinox, Mars, and the Missing Masculine Force

Big D*ck Energy: The Vernal Equinox and Mars

Are we missing out on the Masculine power of the Equinox?

I am all about exploring the seasonal cycles and their mythological narratives. As we enter the Vernal Equinox tonight, I wanted to explore a different angle, one holds a special place in my own praxis. The Vernal Equinox is often epitomized by the emergence of the Spring Maiden archetype in neopagan and occult traditions. This period symbolizes renewal, growth, and the purity of new beginnings, personified by the virginal maiden dancing in harmony with nature’s rebirth. While the celebration of this feminine energy is both fitting and beautiful, it inadvertently casts a shadow on its masculine counterpart, leaving an intriguing void in our seasonal observances.

The focus on the maiden’s delicacy and renewal overshadows the potent and equally vital force of masculine energy that also emerges powerfully during this time. This imbalance beckons us to explore the vibrant but less discussed masculine aspect of the Vernal Equinox, specifically through the lens of Mars, the Roman God of War.

Mars, traditionally venerated as the embodiment of war and aggression, carries with him an agricultural heritage that binds him intimately to the cycle of rebirth and renewal inherent in the Vernal Equinox. This dual nature presents an opportunity to reconnect with the Mars archetype not just as a warrior but as a guardian of growth, guiding us to awaken our own inner warrior spirit in a productive and balanced manner.

By tapping into the energy of Mars during this season, we are invited to activate a burst of productive energy, to cultivate our personal and communal fields with the same dedication and strength Mars exhibits. The holistic embracement of Mars’s influence allows us to confront and heal the shadow aspects of our masculine energy, transforming the ‘sickened tyrant’ that looms in today’s digital realms into a ‘healed protector’ that supports growth and renewal.

Does this shifting balance between the masculine and feminine energies during the Vernal Equinox hold the key to not only personal rejuvenation but also cultural transformation?

Equilibrium: Understanding the Vernal Equinox

In neopagan, witchcraft, and occult circles, the Vernal Equinox is a time of profound significance, marking a period of balance and rebirth as the earth transitions from the slumber of winter to the vitality of spring. This equinox is celebrated as a moment of equal day and night, symbolizing balance before the scales tip towards longer days. Within many global traditions, it is deeply interwoven with themes of fertility, renewal, and growth. The imagery and rituals surrounding this time often focus on the cycle of life and nature’s regenerative powers. It’s a moment to honor the returning light and the budding life, inviting practitioners to reflect on balance and rejuvenation in their own lives.

However, while the celebration of the Vernal Equinox commonly exalts the feminine aspects through the lens of the Spring Maiden archetype, representing purity, new beginnings, and fertility, the masculine energies often remain in the backdrop, less illuminated in the seasonal narrative. This oversight obscures the significant role that masculine energy plays during this time, particularly in its expression of strength, protection, and the facilitation of growth and renewal.

In setting the stage to explore the influence of Mars in the context of the Vernal Equinox, I want to acknowledge the necessity of integrating and honoring both the masculine and feminine forces at play. This approach not only enriches our understanding of this powerful seasonal transition but also mirrors the balance the equinox itself embodies.

Vernal Mars – The God of War and Agriculture

Mars, revered in ancient Roman culture for his virility and strength, presents a complex figure far beyond his primary association with warfare. Intriguingly, his veneration encompasses a profound connection to agriculture, underscoring his role as a protector and nurturer of the land. This duality reflects the Roman understanding of the cyclical nature of life, where destruction and creation are inextricably linked. During the Vernal Equinox, Mars was celebrated not only as a warrior but also as a guardian of growth and renewal, embodying the balanced forces necessary for the rejuvenation of the earth. The festivals and rituals honoring him at this time, such as the Feriae Marti or the Liberalia, emphasized his importance in preparing the land for sowing, highlighting his agricultural heritage and his role in ensuring the community’s prosperity.

Exploring Mars’s significance within the context of the Vernal Equinox allows us to engage with the masculine archetype in a manner that honors both its strength and its nurturing capabilities. Mars embodies the masculine energy that is vital for initiating action, defending boundaries, and fostering growth, mirroring the assertiveness and protection required in the natural process of renewal. By acknowledging Mars as both a warrior and a steward of the land, we invite a holistic perspective that transcends his traditional portrayal. This acknowledgment encourages a reevaluation of masculine energy, promoting a balanced integration of strength and care that supports personal and communal rejuvenation, reflecting the true essence of the Vernal Equinox.

The Martian Archetype

The examination of Mars’s archetype across different ancient cultures reveals a fascinating commonality in the portrayal of masculine energies. Many societies, beyond Rome, revered figures that exemplified both the warrior and the protector of the earth—a dual role embodying strength and nurturing. For instance, in Celtic mythology, the god Lugh encompasses traits of a warrior and a master of skills, including agriculture. His celebration at Lughnasadh underscores the harvest and the protection of the land, mirroring Mars’s veneration during the Vernal Equinox. This archetype, found across cultures, suggests a universal understanding of the masculine energy as both a defender and a caretaker, integral to the balance and prosperity of communities.

However, in contemporary neopagan traditions, these balanced masculine archetypes often dim in comparison to their battle-focused portrayals. This shift reflects a broader societal struggle with toxic masculinity, where aggression is valorized over nurturing capabilities. The modern interpretation frequently leans towards a brute force approach, sidelining the essential nurturing aspects of the divine masculine energy. Such practices not only misrepresent the rich heritage of these archetypes but also contribute to a cultural imbalance. By not adequately illuminating these nurturing roles within neopagan practices, there exists a missed opportunity to engender a more balanced portrayal of masculinity that mirrors the equilibrium sought during the Vernal Equinox.

The challenge, then, is to realign modern interpretations and practices with the complex, balanced representations of the masculine energy found in ancient cultures. Reintroducing the nurturing, protective aspects of the divine masculine, as exemplified by Mars as the guardian of agriculture, presents a pathway towards a more holistic understanding of masculinity. This endeavor requires a conscious effort to highlight and celebrate these neglected facets, promoting a version of the divine masculine that recognizes the strength in protection, the valor in nurturing, and the critical role these energies play in fostering societal and individual growth. In doing so, neopagan traditions—and indeed, society at large—can work towards redressing the imbalance, paving the way for a cultural transformation that honors the true essence of masculine and feminine energies in harmony.

The “Big-Dick” Energy of Mars and Its Relevance Today

The reinterpretation of Mars’s masculine energy in contemporary neopagan and occult practices provides a refreshing perspective on how vitality and assertiveness, often termed as “Big-Dick” energy, can be constructively assimilated. This robust energy, when stripped of its aggressive connotations, champions courage, determination, and the willingness to protect what is cherished. Modern practitioners are exploring ways to embody Mars’s spirit without succumbing to the pitfalls of toxic masculinity, by focusing on the god’s attributes of guardianship, vitality, and resilience. This approach invites a redefinition of strength, encouraging individuals to harness this vigorous energy in pursuing their goals, defending the vulnerable, and fostering community and personal growth.

Furthermore, the quest to harmonize feminine and masculine energies within spiritual practices illuminates the necessity for balance in personal and communal spheres. Mars’s archetype, embodying both warrior prowess and nurturing guardianship, serves as a compelling model for integrating these energies. Practitioners of all genders can draw upon Mars’s guardian energy to cultivate a balanced approach in their spiritual and daily lives. This integration allows for the nurturing of an environment where dynamic, assertive energy complements and supports, rather than dominates, facilitating a holistic development of the individual and collective well-being. By embodying the protective and robust aspects of Mars, adherents can contribute to a more inclusive, balanced, and empowered community.

Orphic Hymn to Mars

Incorporating the potent tradition of orphic hymns into magical or neopagan practices offers a sacred pathway to connect with the divine energies of deities. These ancient, lyrical invocations serve not only as a form of worship but also as powerful tools in theurgic practices, enabling practitioners to align their energy with that of the gods. The use of orphic hymns, such as a hymn to Mars, facilitates a deeper connection to the deity’s attributes—strength, protection, and vitality—thereby invoking their power in rituals and daily practices. This method harmonizes the practitioner’s intent with the divine will, enhancing the efficacy of their magical workings and fostering a profound spiritual communion.

Short Hymn to Mars

Great protector and nurturer, we call upon thee,

Mighty Mars, whose hands craft victory, whose heart knows bravery.

From the depths of myth, your legends we draw,

In battles fierce, in fields serene, protector without flaw.

O Mars, guardian of fields, and warrior fierce in strife,

Whose valor shines as a beacon bright, guiding our way in life.

Your chariot turned to plow, flies across the sky, heralds the morning light,

In your honor, we sing, and for your blessing, we fight.

With sword and shield, you conquer fear, with love, you tend the grain,

Teach us, O Mars, to balance both, to grow and to sustain.

In our plea, we seek your strength, courage enough to share,

Protect us, guide us, mighty Mars, in every prayer we bare.

Orphic Hymn to Mars by Frater O.D.

This hymn, crafted with reverence, serves as an invocation and ode to Mars’s enduring myths and legends. It weaves together the development of Mars’s dual nature as both a fearless warrior and a nurturing protector. The request for his strength, courage, and protection reflects the desire to embody his virtues in our lives and practices. This hymn’s significance lies in its role in ritual practice, serving as a bridge connecting practitioners with the divine essence of Mars. By reciting this hymn, one aims to align with Mars’s balanced energy, fostering a space where courage and protection nourish the growth of the individual and the community alike.

BDE: Ritual to Invoke Mars.

The ritual to invoke Mars combines ancient practices with modern interpretations, creating a powerful ceremony to draw upon the martial deity’s energy for courage, protection, and vitality.

Preparation and Materia

Starting with the preparation phase, the practitioner is advised to select a space that resonates with Mars’s dynamic essence, preferably a place where one can stand firm and feel grounded. Before commencing the ritual, it’s essential to meditate on Mars’s qualities, study his myths, envision the deity’s vigour flowing through the ceremony and into one’s life. This mental alignment sets the stage for a more profound connection with Mars.

Identifying an appropriate Chant or Divine Name

Incorporating chants, barbarous names, or synthemata specific to Mars significantly enhances the ritual’s potency. These sacred sounds and words have been used for centuries to call upon the gods, acting as vibrational keys that unlock deeper spiritual pathways.

Chanting “Ares Martius” three times or repeatedly, or any other divine epithet, with a clear and resonant voice, can act as a powerful call to Mars, signifying the practitioner’s readiness to align with his energy. It is through these ancient phonetic codes that the participant draws Mars closer into the ritual space, allowing for a more intensive communion with the deity.

Incorporating Symbols

Symbols and tools associated with Mars are indispensable in strengthening the ritual’s connection. Items such as a red cloth to symbolize Mars’s energy, a piece of iron as a conduit of his strength, or even a model chariot to represent his warrior aspect, can be arranged on an altar. Additionally, offerings thought to be pleasing to Mars, such as red wine or spicy foods, can be presented with reverence. These physical manifestations of Mars’s attributes serve to focus the practitioner’s intent, making the invocation more tangible and potent.

Ritual Framework

  • The actual ritual can begin with the lighting of a red candle.
  • Followed by the recitation of invocations or the hymn to Mars, acknowledging his might and seeking his guidance. Really let yourself get weird with it, embrace the emotion and try to work yourself into an ecstatic state to allow a “divine possession” to take place where you share space with the deity’s energy for a time.
  • The practitioner then presents their requests or intentions to Mars, whether it be for personal strength in overcoming a challenge, for protection in their endeavors, or for the vitality to pursue their passions. It is during this moment of open-hearted petition that the bond between practitioner and deity is most poignant.
  • To conclude the ritual, a moment of silent gratitude is observed, thanking Mars for his presence and assistance. The practitioner then carefully extinguishes the candle, symbolizing the end of the direct communion but not the end of Mars’s influence on their life.
  • The ritual leaves a lasting imprint on the participant, ideally empowering them with the virtues of Mars as they move forward. This ceremonial practice acts not only as a spiritual exercise but as a transformational process, where one can draw from the well of Mars’s strength and protection in their personal and communal undertakings.

Integrating Mars’ Energy for a Productive Season

Integrating Mars’ energy into personal and communal life begins with the conscious application of the deity’s principles of courage, protection, and stewardship. For individuals, this might mean setting bold, achievable goals that stretch their capabilities and understanding the protective measures required to sustain growth over time. Practically, this might manifest as adopting a disciplined routine for personal development, such as pursuing physical fitness, engaging in assertive communication, or advocating for oneself and others in challenging situations. These actions not only honor Mars’ warrior aspect but also nurture the steward within, balancing ambition with the wisdom to nurture and protect what is being built.

In a communal context, invoking Mars’ energy can catalyze collective action towards common goals. It encourages communities to identify shared values and challenges, fostering unity and resilience. By prioritizing community safety, fostering inclusive spaces that allow for the expression of strength in various forms, and rallying together in times of need, the warrior spirit is channeled constructively. Meanwhile, protecting communal well-being and resources highlights the stewardship role, ensuring that Mars’ energy supports sustained prosperity rather than fleeting victories.

Maintaining a balance between Mars’ dual aspects requires ongoing reflection and adjustment. Periodic rituals to reconnect with Mars’ energy can serve as checkpoints, allowing individuals and communities to assess progress towards goals and make necessary corrections. Adopting daily or weekly practices that reflect both the warrior’s resolve and the steward’s care ensures that Mars’ influence remains a guiding force, rather than a disruptive one, in the pursuit of growth and protection.

Final Thoughts

As we stand on the cusp of the Vernal Equinox, the integration of Mars’ assertive and protective energies into our spiritual and daily practices offers a rich tapestry of growth, resilience, and dynamism. Recognizing the masculine energies symbolized by Mars encourages not only personal empowerment and community solidarity but also nurtures the balance between action and care. By consciously engaging with these energies, we invite the force of Mars to infuse our endeavors with its strength and vigor, empowering us to face challenges with courage and to advocate for change with unwavering determination.

In reflection, the question then beckons, are you ready to summon the formidable, life-altering power Mars bestows? To infuse your spiritual practice and daily life with that indomitable big dick energy of Mars, wielding it not just as a tool for personal enhancement, but as a beacon of protection, growth, and unity within your community?

Note: The article aims to provide a cursory exploration of Mars’ connection to the Vernal Equinox and the masculine archetype, offering readers insights into incorporating these energies into their spiritual practices. The proposed hymn and ritual are meant to serve as practical tools for engaging with Mars’ powerful aspects, contributing to a balanced and enriched spiritual journey. As always do your due diligence and study to craft the most effective ritual for you and your praxis.


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Updated on March 20, 2024
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