A peer reviewed occult knowledge base

The Codex

Use the search query below to find the information you need, or use the site-wide instant answer bubble in the bottom right corner.


Frequently Asked Questions

Codex Initiative FAQ

  • What is the Codex Initiative?

    The Codex Initiative is a community projec to build a universal magickal compendium of sourced, peer reviewed, and vetted knowledge. The Codex is searchable from anywhere on the site. If you are writing an article and forgot a correspondence or need to look up a source, click the bubble in the bottom right hand corner for the Instant Search Feature.

  • How do you submit content to the Codex?

    Submit your content on the Form listed on the Codex Home Page. 

Write for the Codex Initiative

One thing that is sorely missing from the occult community is a universal compendium. This is a tall order, perhaps entirely improbable, but as a magician, I genuinely believe anything can be accomplished if the will is properly utilized.

Thus the Codex Initiative was idealized, and Azoth Quest would appreciate your enthusiasm and assistance in building a universal codex to help occultists, witches, magicians, and mystic minds.

There are thousands of manuals, books, rituals, spells, and theories in the Western and Eastern magical traditions, and finding answers can be taxing. What if there were a place to turn for a quick search and answer format? Kinda like an occult Wikipedia.

The Codex Initiative features multiple knowledge bases filled with peer reviewed, sourced articles that tackle the basics of the magickal traditions from east to west. We have opened phase one with three grimoires. 

Knowledge is meant to be shared. Our modern world often commoditizes it. The Codex Initiative is meant to provide inexpensive access to the project. The proceeds of the project go to upkeep and social initiatives to be decided by the community in Alpha and Beta Wave. 

The bulk of the project will be open to basic members of Magick Social, some gated content will be produced but the proceeds will be divided between community upkeep and our community social initiative.

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