Digital Grimoires: How to Use the Docs Feature

One of my favorite features of this social community platform is the functionality available to promote collaboration. Like other social platforms, we have the basic groups, forums, friend connections, and the ability to follow each other. Those are great things, but everyone has those.

Introducing the Digital Grimoire: Collaborative and Shareable Documents for Personal and Group Use

The occultist, the witch, and the metaphysician need more. I have long wanted a space where collaboration could be taken to the next level. I am excited to walk the community through the digital grimoire feature. Magick Circles also has the functionality to share and collaborate on group documents.

I have heard more than thrice that having a functional, private, and shareable digital grimoire was needed in the community for groups of occultists exploring new techniques or developing new streams of magick or for witches to share spells from their books of shadows easily and anonymously.

Access Your Profile: In the Upper Right of the Screen

Your documents are located in the profile view or via the left panel, which gives you access to all uploaded documents by the community and your documents. So, you have multiple points of entry to access your digital grimoires and see the documents others are sharing with the community or specific groups.

How to Create a Document: Document Creation and Privacy

To create a doc, select the Grimoire Tab, which will populate the Document Creation function.

Add a Title

Add Content to the Content Field and Format as you like. You can also attach images, multimedia, or pdfs.

You can choose who has access from groups, friends, and the public at large. Access rules include who can read and edit, who can view and comment, and who can tag the document and select a parent document.

Create Private and Shareable Grimoires

Creating a private and shareable grimoire allows you to store and organize your magical knowledge, as well as share information with other magicians. It is important to keep track of your magical advancements and progress, and a grimoire can help with that. With a private grimoire, only you can access the contents stored within it. On the other hand, with a shareable grimoire, you can invite others to view, edit, or even add content to it.

When creating your own grimoire, it is important to consider the different sections for each type of knowledge. For instance, you could create separate sections for spells & rituals, notes & observations, dreams & visions, symbols & sigils, correspondences, ingredients & recipes, and research & studies. You could further break each section down into sub-sections or topics within them. This organization will make it easier for you to reference when needed.

It would also be wise to think ahead when creating your grimoire so that you would not need to make any ‘large’ changes or additions later on. Make sure that everything is laid out properly from the start so that you don’t have to worry about making adjustments in the future.

How to Save and Revert Your Grimoire


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Updated on March 6, 2024
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