Shamanic Breathwork Technique

A simple shamanic breathing technique

A Basic Circular Shamanic Breathwork Technique

Shamanic Breathwork is a powerful healing process that inspires individuals to awaken their true selves. By transcending the mind and tapping into consciousness, this ancient practice enables its practitioners to achieve profound healing and transformation. In this brief instructional, we will delve into the origins of this basic Shamanic Breathwork technique, outline a step-by-step guide on how to perform a basic circular breathing technique, and uncover the benefits one may experience during and after the process.

Origins and Background

For thousands of years, Shamans—medicine men and women, healers—have used breath as a means to connect with the spirit world. As the ones who see in the dark, these individuals utilize their third eye, intuition, and internal compass to bring healing to all aspects of the self: Mind, Body, Heart, and Spirit.

Shamanic traditions have utilized ceremony and ritual in order to achieve healing through Breath, Music, and Movement. Within each person lies an inner Shaman: an inner healer who possesses a higher consciousness and wisdom that knows how to heal and transform.

Through this transformative process, individuals can journey into different realms of consciousness, accessing greater love, wisdom, healing, and transformation. Breathwork has been proven in case studies to release bound-up energies and produce profound effects that are equivalent to years of psychotherapy.

A Step-by-Step Breakdown of the Basic Circular Shamanic Breathwork Technique

1. Find a comfortable position: Lie down on your back, preferably on a mat or cushioned surface. Ensure that your environment is quiet and relaxing, allowing for free movement throughout the practice.

2. Play a shamanic drumming track: Listen to music specifically designed to activate your energetic centers, allowing you to experience deep healing and transformation in the spirit, mind, and body. Shamanic drumming tracks are available online from shamanic practitioners like Sandra Ingerman, Michael Harner and others.

3. Breathe in through the nose: Inhale deeply and fully, imagining that you are taking in the sacred life force that surrounds you. This will help increase your energy levels.

4. Exhale through the mouth: Once you have completed your inhale, immediately exhale, giving the impression of a circular or connected breath. As you release the breath, relax your body and feel any tension leaving with the exhale.

5. Continue the circular breathing: Moving seamlessly between the inhale and exhale, maintain this pattern of circular breath for an extended duration (10-30 minutes, or as desired). Focus on connecting each breath and staying in a relaxed and open state. This will allow suppressed emotions and thoughts to come to the surface and be released through the breath.

Allow the breath to find its own rythym what ever speed and force your body needs will manifest as you release and keep the breath flowing. The most important thing is to keep the breath moving in the cycle of in an out in a continuous loop.

  1. Allow the breath to fully relax and cease actively pulling the breath. Simply drop into a relaxing trance state. Allow the breath to return to normal and rest in the embrace of the calmed body. In this state many experience visioning, trance like information from guides and spirits.

Preparing for the Breathwork Journey

– Prepare to fully surrender to the process.

– Eat a light meal 1-2 hours before the session (full bellies make it difficult to do breathwork).

– Arrange a comfortable and quiet space to lie down, using an eye mask to cover your eyes if desired.

– Set a conscious intention for your journey to help guide you in the right direction.

– Smudge yourself with sacred sage to release any negative energies or thoughts.

– Call upon spirit guides, spirit animals, angels, or any energy you may work with to support you during the ritual.

Benefits and Outcomes

Shamanic Breathwork is a powerful modality that can help individuals release outdated programming, move beyond limiting beliefs, dissolve old patterns, and step fully into their souls’ purpose. By tapping into the inner Shaman, individuals can access their highest selves and experience profound healing, transformation, and awakening.

The benefits of Shamanic Breathwork may include but are not limited to:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Release of emotional blockages and suppressed emotions
  • Clearing of physical tension and stress
  • Expansion of consciousness
  • Access to higher states of consciousness and wisdom
  • Healing from past traumas and experiences
  • Increased self-awareness and connection to one’s true self
  • Greater clarity, focus, and direction in life.


In conclusion, Shamanic Breathwork is a powerful healing modality that allows individuals to tap into their inner Shaman for profound healing, transformation, and awakening. Through the circular breathing technique, individuals can journey into different realms of consciousness and access greater love, wisdom, and healing. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article and preparing for the breathwork journey, one can experience the numerous benefits that come with this ancient practice. So why not give it a try?

Surrender to the process, connect with your inner healer, and watch

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Updated on February 15, 2024
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