Automatic Writing in Ceremonial Magick

Automatic Writing in Ceremonial Magic, Witchcraft, and Sorcery

Automatic writing, a fascinating and powerful tool used in ceremonial magic, witchcraft, and sorcery, has been practiced for centuries. It is a method of divination that allows practitioners to tap into lost words of power, providing a unique connection to ancient magical forms. Today, we’ll delve into the historical significance of automatic writing, its use in magic, and how to incorporate it into your own magical practice.

What is Automatic Writing?

Automatic writing, also known as psychography, is a process where the writer enters a meditative or trance-like state and writes or types messages without conscious thought. The belief is that these messages originate from the spiritual or supernatural realm, including ancestral spirits, deities, or even the writer’s higher self.

In the context of magic, automatic writing can be used to access ‘lost words of power,’ ancient phrases believed to possess great magical potency. These words are considered a direct link to the forces that govern the universe, and their discovery can significantly enhance a practitioner’s magical abilities.

Historical and Cultural Significance

Automatic writing has roots in various cultures and religions worldwide. In ancient China, it was practiced using planchette writing during the Shang Dynasty, while in Greece, the Oracle of Delphi was believed to use a form of automatic writing to deliver prophecies.

In the 19th century, automatic writing became popular with the Spiritualist movement, where it was often used to communicate with the deceased. Famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud also used automatic writing as a therapeutic technique.

Tools Used in Automatic Writing

A quiet space and a writing instrument are the primary tools required for automatic writing. However, some practitioners may also use magical tools like a pendulum, a spirit board, or tarot cards to help guide the writing process.

Traditionally, incense, candles, and crystals are used to create a sacred space and invite positive energies. It’s also common to use protective symbols or amulets to guard against negative influences during the writing session.

Ethical Considerations

Using automatic writing to divine lost words of power should always be approached with respect and caution. Misuse can lead to negative consequences, such as attracting unwanted attention from malicious entities. Practitioners should have a clear intent, only seek knowledge for good purposes, and always conclude sessions by thanking any spirits or energies that assisted them.

Tips and Techniques

For those wishing to practice automatic writing, start by creating a calm and quiet environment. Begin with a meditative practice to clear your mind and set your intention. You might want to call upon protective spirits or deities for guidance and protection.

Once in a relaxed state, allow your hand to move freely across the page without conscious thought. Don’t worry about what you’re writing or if it makes sense—just let the words flow. Afterward, review what you’ve written for any messages or lost words of power.

Practical Examples and Exercises

The lost words of power can be incorporated into spells, potions, and rituals. For example, ancient words might be spoken during a spell to increase its potency or inscribed on talismans for protection. They could also be used in potion-making, invoking the power of the word as an ingredient itself.

Automatic writing is a powerful tool in ceremonial magic, witchcraft, and sorcery. With respect and proper practice, it can open doors to ancient wisdom and enhance your magical abilities. Remember, the key is patience and openness to what the universe has to reveal.

Practice Everyday

One of the most effective ways to enhance your automatic writing is by practicing every day1. Like any other skill, the more you practice, the better you become. Regular practice helps you to tune into your intuition and become more open to the messages that may come through.

Create a Quiet and Comfortable Environment

Find a quiet spot without distractions2. This could be a special corner in your home or even a peaceful outdoor space. The key is to be in an environment where you can fully relax and concentrate.

Use Breathing Exercises and Meditation

Before you start, take a few moments to relax your body and clear your mind2. Deep breathing exercises and meditation can help you reach a relaxed state, making it easier for you to tap into your subconscious mind.

Start with a Rhythmical Pattern

According to California Psychics, starting with a rhythmical pattern can be beneficial3. This could be a simple repetitive phrase or mantra that you write down. As you get into the rhythm of writing, you may find that your conscious mind steps aside, allowing messages to flow through.

Be Open-Minded

Being open-minded is crucial when practicing automatic writing4. This means letting go of expectations and being receptive to whatever comes through, even if it doesn’t make sense at first. Remember, the purpose of automatic writing is not necessarily to produce logical or coherent messages but to tap into deeper wisdom and insights.

Treat the Practice as Sacred

Lonerwolf suggests treating automatic writing as an inner work practice that nourishes and revitalizes your deeper self5. This means approaching the practice with respect and reverence, much like you would any other spiritual or magical practice.

Write First, Edit Later

Meld Studios recommends using automatic writing as a generative exercise that challenges you to write first and edit later6. In other words, don’t worry about grammar, punctuation, or whether what you’re writing makes sense. The goal is to let your thoughts flow freely and capture them on paper.

Learn About Your Mind

Seeker Project 4 Spiritual Exploration (SP4SE) suggests using automatic writing as a tool to learn about your mind7. This can give insight into your ego, enhance your ability to think clearly, and improve your problem-solving skills.

By incorporating these tips and exercises into your routine, you can enhance your automatic writing skills and potentially uncover powerful insights and lost words of power.


  1. A Little Spark of Joy
  2. LiveAbout 2
  3. California Psychics
  4. WikiHow
  5. Lonerwolf
  6. Meld Studios
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Updated on February 15, 2024
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