
The classical element of Earth stretches across all cultures from the East to the West. It’s an element that is associated with stability, grounding, and material resources. Magickal practices that incorporate Earth, can bring healing energy, physical abundance, and protection.

In some traditions, Earth is connected to the Underworld and seen as a feminine force in others. Its power comes from connecting us to our ancestor’s wisdom and guiding us to manifest our desires.

Earth is associated with the color green, crystals such as jade and amethyst, the directions of North and West, and the planets Saturn and Venus. Its symbols are a pentagram or a double-headed axe, which represent protection from evil forces. It can be used in magickal spells for protection from harm, healing, and wealth.

Earth is a powerful energy that can help bring balance to our lives if used correctly. Practitioners of magick use Earth’s energy to gain perspective, cultivate abundance, and find inner peace. By working with the energies of Earth, we can work towards manifesting our deepest desires and creating a life full of abundance and joy.

Basic Correspondences

Western Alchemical Symbol
Hindu Tattwa (Prithivi)
Stage of Microcosmic LifeOld Age/Death
Physical HumorMelancholy
QualitiesCold, Dryness, Weight
State of MatterSolid
Time of DayMidnight
Magical ToolDisc/Pentacle
Human SenseTouch
StoneQuartz, Salt
Tarot Trump
Tarot Court CardsPages (Princesses)

Kabbalist (Qabalistic) Correspondences

Kabbalistic WorldAssiah
Divine NameAdonai ha Eretz
Elemental RulerKerub
Hebrew NameEretz
Edenic RiverPhrath (Euphrates)
Letter of TetragrammatonHe (2nd)
Evangelist (Apostle)Luke

Craft Correspondences

AnimalBison, Ox
ColorsBlack, Olive, Citrine, Russet
Directional WindsBoreas (Ophion)
Elemental KingGhob
GoddessesGaea, Mah, Demeter, Bhawana (Prithivi)
GodsPan, Cernunnos, Tammuz
PlantsIvy, Grains, Comfrey, Apples
Scent (Incense)Storax

Goetic Correspondences

Demon King (Goetic)Zimimay
Demon KingAmaimon
Demon PrinceMahazel
River of HellAcheron

Enochian Correspondences

Enochian WordNANTA
Enochian Divine NameMOR DIAL HCTGA
Enochian Supreme Elemental KingTHAHAAOTAHE
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Updated on June 23, 2023
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