Freyja: The Seiðr Goddess of the Norse


Freyja, known in Old Norse as “(the) Lady,” is a complex and multifaceted goddess from the Norse pantheon, associated with an array of concepts ranging from love and beauty to war and gold. Known for her striking beauty, she is often sought after by the powerful jötnar who wish to make her their wife. Yet, beyond her physical allure lies a deity of profound depth and influence, whose roles and functions extend far beyond her superficial affiliations.

Mythological Origins and Influence

Freyja’s origins are rooted deeply in Norse mythology, where she is depicted as the owner of the necklace Brísingamen, riding a chariot pulled by two cats and accompanied by the boar Hildisvíni. She possesses a cloak of falcon feathers, which she lends to other deities in times of need. Pigs were sacred to her, and she is often seen riding a boar with golden bristles, a symbol of fertility and prosperity.

Freyja rules over her heavenly field, Fólkvangr, where she receives half of those who die in battle, the other half going to Odin’s hall, Valhalla. Within Fólkvangr lies her hall, Sessrúmnir, a place of rest for the valiant dead. Like Isis and Aphrodite, Freyja is known to traverse the world in search of her lost husband, weeping tears of gold.

Roles and Functions

Freyja’s roles are as diverse as they are essential. As a goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and sex, she is invoked in matters of the heart and procreation. However, her influence extends to war, gold, and seiðr, a form of magic practiced during the Late Scandinavian Iron Age. This magic was related to both the telling and shaping of the future, a testament to Freyja’s profound influence over the course of events.

Symbolism and Associations

The symbols associated with Freyja are as diverse as her roles. Her necklace Brísingamen represents beauty and desire, while her chariot drawn by cats symbolizes independence and sensuality. The boar Hildisvíni, with its golden bristles, symbolizes fertility and prosperity. Her cloak of falcon feathers signifies transformation and her ability to traverse different realms.

Magickal Practices and Rituals for the Modern Practitioner

Modern practitioners can connect with Freyja through a variety of rituals and practices. Seiðr, the form of magic associated with her, often involves entering altered states of consciousness or trance states using techniques like chanting, drumming, or consuming psychoactive substances. This allows practitioners to access hidden realms and communicate with various beings.

Invoking Freyja in matters of love, fertility, or prosperity is common. Offering gold, symbols of fertility, or representations of cats or boars can be effective ways to seek her favor. Practitioners may also seek to emulate her by practicing self-love and embracing their sensuality.

In conclusion, Freyja is not merely a goddess of beauty and desire. She is a powerful figure of influence, a deity of war and wealth, and a master of the mystical arts. Her multifaceted nature makes her a compelling figure in Norse mythology and a fascinating focus for modern practitioners.

An introduction to the Seiðr: The Shamanic Norse Trance

Invoking Freyja: The Hymn and the Seiðr Ritual

Materials to consider for the Seiðr Ritual

To embark on the enigmatic journey through the veil of ordinary perception and into the realms unseen, where Freyja herself traverses, the aspirant must gather sacred articles imbued with esoteric essence. Allow the consecrated gathering of these mystical materials to be the first step in the dance with divinity:

  • Hallowed Alter: Erect a sacred space, an altar, as a physical manifestation of your unwavering intent, a focal point where mortal and divine energies shall intertwine.
  • Candles of Bees’ Wax: Light candles formed from the toil of alchemic bees, their golden flames a silent ode to the tears of Freyja, illuminating pathways obscured by the mundane.
  • Brísingamen Amulet: An emblematic charm that echoes the resplendence of Freyja’s own, the Brísingamen necklace, to channel her allure and grace into the very essence of the rite.
  • Cat Figurine: Bestow upon the altar a symbol of grace and independence, the sacred feline, akin to the chariot-pullers of Freyja, to guide your spirit’s journey.
  • Golden Bristle Effigy: Procure a representation of the boar Hildisvíni, with its sun-kissed bristles, as a talisman of fertility, to summon abundant blessings from her celestial field.
  • Falcon Feather Cloak: Cloak thyself in the plumes of the falcon, a vestment of transformation, an invitation to soar into the realm of elevated consciousness.
  • The Staff of Journeying: A staff to represent the world tree Ygdrassil and to be a conduit for the magickal operant through the ritual, a symbol of you power to move between worlds.

The Hymn of Beauty and Battle

With hearts anchored in reverence, we begin our sacred rite by calling upon the Lady of Vanir, the Mistress of Fólkvangr. Swathed in silken whispers of ancient melodies, we raise our voices in the Hymn of Beauty and Battle, a sonnet to her dual nature:

*O Freyja, nectar of valiance and allure, your tapestry of love woven with threads of war,

In your honor, we chant, for blessings, we implore, from Fólkvangr’s embrace to our mortal shore.*

Let your hymn, rich with metaphor and alliteration, be a lustrous thread weaved through the loom of the cosmos, binding your essence to this realm.

The Seiðr’s Trance: The Ecstatic Ritual

Upon the completion of your hymn, stand firm with the staff of intent, rooted like Yggdrasil itself, a conduit for celestial energies. The staff—a spindle of fates—guides us through the shroud of mystery toward the seat of power.

The Seiðr Seat: Choose your sacred seat wisely, a throne of insight set amongst nature’s embrace. As our ancient ancestors once did, perch upon this locus of potent energies, where the veil thins and Freyja’s whispers echo through the divine ethereal.

The Chant of Trance: Begin the multi-voiced song—a tapestry of haunting tones, an alliterative anthem that climbs the ladder of the heavens. Let the rhythmical cadence beat like the heart of the universe, drawing you into the gyrations of the great dance. Patience, for the song must swell, reaching crescendos of fervor, as you sense the liminal gates swing open. You can also recite the Hymn of Freyja.

By breath and beat, by the light of the moon,

Boundless Freyja, to you, we attune.

In the trance of the dance, through night’s silent gloom,

Merge with our essence, in this sacred room.

Frater OD

The Staff of Journeying: In the hands of the seer, the staff stands as a sentinel, channeling the life power of nature. Through this embodiment of ergi, embrace the balance of forces, and embark upon your journey, navigating the verdant fields of Fólkvangr and the hidden eldritch passageways.

As the trance deepens, and with each ecstatic chant, allow your celestial vessel to soar, transcending temporal planes. Witness Freyja’s might — gleaming like Brísingamen’s light — as she bestows visions of paths woven and unwoven.

Conclusion of the Seiðr Journey: As the journey reaches its zenith and the mesmeric strains ebb, gently retreat from the trance. Carry with you the wisdom sown and the magick awoken. With the staff grounded once more, and the seat emptied, mark the ritual’s end with a final, resonant note:

Hail Freyja, Vanadis, in your chariot gold-laden

Through twilight and shadow, our spirits have waden.

Majestic and mighty, your lessons now woven,

Eternal and ageless, by your magick we’re cloven.

Frater OD

Emerging triumphant, you reclaim the ancient sovereignty over the self, a master of seiðr, having danced with the goddess through the rhythm of existence. Let the experience illuminate your being—a guiding star in the vast tapestry of life.

May Freyja’s blessings be with you, now and forevermore.

The Power of Freyja in Modern Times

Despite being a deity from Norse mythology, the power and influence of Freyja can still be felt in modern times. As a goddess of love and beauty, she continues to inspire us to appreciate our own worth and embrace our sensuality.

Her association with war and wealth reminds us of the connection between strength and prosperity, both in a physical and spiritual sense. In times of struggle or hardship, we can call upon Freyja for courage and guidance.

And as a master of the mystical arts, she teaches us to tap into our own innate magic and connect with the cosmic forces that surround us. Through practices like seiðr, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Freyja’s multifaceted nature makes her a powerful figure for modern practitioners to connect with and draw inspiration from. She represents the balance of opposing forces, the beauty in duality, and the power of embracing all aspects of ourselves. As we continue to explore the mysteries of magick and the cosmos, may Freyja guide us on our journey with her wisdom and grace.

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Updated on February 15, 2024
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