Helichrysum Italicum: The Everlasting Flower of Beauty

Folk Names: Immortelle, Curry Plant, Everlasting

General Info: Helichrysum italicum, commonly known as Immortelle or Curry Plant (due to it’s flowers distinctive smell), is a perennial herb native to the Mediterranean region. With its silver-green foliage and golden-yellow flowers, this aromatic herb has earned a special place in herbalism, both for its health benefits and magical properties.

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Fire

Element: Air

Magical Correspondences: The magical energies associated with Immortelle align with the element of air, making it a powerful herb for spells and rituals related to communication, intellect, and creativity. Its connection to the fire element adds a spark of energy, making it particularly potent for transformation and renewal.

When to Harvest: The best time to harvest Immortelle is during its flowering season, typically in late summer. The flowers should be collected when they are in full bloom, ensuring the highest concentration of essential oils.

Parts of the Plant to be Used: The flowers and leaves of Immortelle are the most commonly used parts. These contain valuable essential oils and compounds that contribute to both its medicinal and magical properties.

Physical Characteristics and Growing Habits: Immortelle is a small, woody shrub with narrow, silver-green leaves covered in fine hairs. The flowers, which resemble small golden buttons, maintain their vibrant color even after drying, hence its most commonly used name “Immortelle.” This herb thrives in well-drained, sunny locations, reflecting its Mediterranean origins.

Health and Wellness Uses:

  1. Anti-inflammatory Properties: The essential oils in Immortelle have potent anti-inflammatory effects, making it beneficial for relieving conditions such as arthritis and muscle aches.
  2. Skin Healing: Known for its skin rejuvenating properties, it is often used in skincare to reduce scars, wounds, and signs of aging.
  3. Respiratory Support: The herb’s aromatic compounds can aid in respiratory conditions by promoting clear breathing.

Metaphysical and Magical Associations:

  1. Intellectual Clarity: Immortelle is believed to enhance intellectual clarity and focus, making it ideal for students or anyone seeking mental acuity.
  2. Transformation and Renewal: Its ties to the fire element make it a symbol of transformation and renewal, useful in rituals for personal growth and change.

Folklore, Cultural, and Historical Uses: Immortelle has a rich history, often associated with immortality and longevity. In ancient times, it was used in traditional medicine and considered a symbol of everlasting life.

Cautions and Contraindications: While generally safe, individuals with allergies to plants in the Asteraceae family should exercise caution. As with any herb, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating it into your wellness routine, especially for pregnant or nursing individuals.

Helichrysum Italicum Recipes:

  1. Helichrysum Infused Oil: Create a soothing oil by infusing dried Helichrysum flowers in a carrier oil. Use it topically for skin healing.
  2. Immortal Elixir Tea: Brew a tea using dried Helichrysum leaves for a calming and rejuvenating drink.

Helichrysum Italicum Spells:

  1. Clarity Incense: Burn dried Helichrysum leaves during meditation or spellwork to enhance mental clarity and focus.
  2. Transformation Ritual Bath: Infuse your bathwater with Helichrysum oil or a decoction made from the flowers to symbolize transformation and renewal.


  1. Cunningham, Scott. “Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.”
  2. Grieve, Maud. “A Modern Herbal.”
  3. Hoffmann, David. “Medical Herbalism.”

Helichrysum italicum, with its dual nature as a healer and a magical ally, continues to captivate practitioners and herbal enthusiasts alike. As you delve into the world of this immortal herb, may you discover its timeless secrets and embrace the transformative energies it offers.

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Updated on March 15, 2024
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