Hymn to Brigit

Hail to thee, Exalted Brigid,
Goddess forged of triple light,
Sacred flame of hearth and forge,
That turns the darkness into bright.

In ancient groves, thy name resounds,
With poets’ songs, the air now fills,
Healer, Steward, Warrior’s Muse,
Thy spirit wanders o’er the hills.

Brigid of the Bards, we praise thee,
She who fills our hearts with fire,
Wisdom, strength, and inspiration,
Awakening, our souls inspire.

Healer of wounds, thy touch restores,
With blessed waters from thy well,
Bringing comfort to the weary,
In thy healing arts we dwell.

Smith of all, craft-forging goddess,
Weapons wrought for warriors brave,
Sharper than the wind they carry,
Victory, they guide and pave.

Tender sister to the Blessed,
Foster-mother Christ did know,
In heavenly halls thy spirit mingles,
With sacred love, thy grace bestows.

O St. Brigid, patroness dear,
Watch o’er our cattle, guards our hearth,
Keep calamity at bay,
Bless our lives, thy sacred birth.

Muime Chriosd, sacred bond,
Drawing us to lasting grace,
As fire burns within thy soul,
In loyal hearts we keep thy place.

Praise the Exalted One, divine,
Whose love and power combine a storm,
Brigid, triple goddess bright,
Our sacred hymn of love is born.

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Updated on December 20, 2023
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