Hymn to Flora

Hymn to Flora

Hear us, Choris, She Who Blooms Eternal,
Goddess of flowers, patroness of Spring.
Alluring Flora, divinity supernal,
To you, our hearts in joyous hymns we bring.

With verdant gifts in gardens fair, unending,
Wife of Zephyrus, you’re adorned in bright array,
Our senses with your every bloom, you’re bending,
And bring the promise of eternal May.

You, who transformed Adonis and Narcissus,
By sheer beauty, you shaped hearts and minds,
In fields of love and fecundity, guide us,
Let each soul, in its pursuit, fulfillment finds.

In the dance of seasons, you hold reign,
Your touch gives birth to spring’s first bud,
And in the realm of youth, your domain,
Each seedling rises from winter’s mud.

Through vetches and lupins that bloom wild,
In the pursuit of pure, desirous men,
We see your power, O Woman-child,
In fertile fields again and again.

In the licentious festival’s heady swirl,
To your bounty and grace, we’re confessing,
As the pursuit of life’s desires unfurl,
Goddess, accept our humble blessing.

Hours assemble, Graces deck their hair,
Your heavenly gifts in their hands they bring.
Your garden blooms in the soft spring air,
And to your glory, all creation shall sing.

Goddess, be queen of all flowers in their grandeur,
Suffuse our hearts with your fecund wealth,
Through your love from winter’s cold we’ll find our anchor,
And in your embrace, we shall find our health.

So, to you, our praises rise upward, like a floral scent,
May our lives bloom abundantly, in your light, Goddess, lent.
We seek your blessings for a harvest, in plenty and ripe,
For we are your children, O Flora, of Spring’s eternal nights.

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Updated on April 27, 2024
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