Hymn to Geb

Hymn to Geb, The Mighty Earth

Upon the realm of sacred ground,
He whose laughter shakes the Earth,
Father of Snakes, and God of birth,
Geb, thy name we breathe—profound.

With ardent heart, we call upon,
Thy earthen majesty to tend,
The crops and bounties, dost thou send,
With sovereign grace, thy will be done.

“Son of Earth,” thy kingdom reigns,
Barren sands and fields of green,
Mighty Geb, thy strength unseen,
The cycle of life, in thee maintains.

Heir to Atum, great creator,
Upon Earth’s throne, thou hast presided,
Transcended graves, the spirits guided,
An earthly judge of gods, belater.

In thy divine embrace, Nut lies,
Night’s firmament doth kiss thy form,
In cosmic dance, of love been torn,
We sing the tale where passion vies.

O Husband to Renenutet, blessed,
Harvest Goddess of the Nile,
Mother Serpent, fierce and guile,
Together hold, the world caressed.

Cronus wed to sacred land,
Chthonic Miner, deep and wise,
Oswathed in verdant hues, arise,
A titan’s might at thy command.

From turmoil’s grasp, thy children rise,
Osiris, Seth, Isis, Nephthys,
Heirs of conflict, strife and peace,
United in the cosmos, bound by ties.

Geb, encircled by the stars,
Thy eternal gaze holds fast,
As the sun sets, takes its repast,
Honor echoed ‘cross bound’ries afar.

Upon the ever-turning sphere,
Thy healing waters seep and flow,
The life below, a debt we owe,
To thee, Geb, just and austere.

O Father of the Earthly plane,
We sing thy praise, our hearts swollen,
As the fields bloom, thy blessings golden,
In timeless worship, we remain.

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Updated on October 31, 2023
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