Hymn to Lupa

Hymn to Lupa

An Invocatory Ode to the She-Wolf Lupa in the Vein of Orphic Hymns

O Thou, great nurturer and wild sovereign of Romulus’ heritage,

Lupa, whose spirit roves the ancient hills, cradle of legends and fates,

With thy sacred teats, thou nourishest the seeds of Empire’s birth,

And from thy being, the Eternal City drew its breath and vigor.

Beneath the silver eye of Luna’s radiant watch, we beseech thee,

In the rustling leaves and whispered winds, thy presence lingers, ghosting,

And in the Lupercal’s hollow, echoed fervid rites of old,

Majestic mother, from whom the fierce Luperci don their names.

Bestow upon us, thy children of modernity’s sprawl, the primal essence,

Grant us the fortitude of spirit and the clarity of purpose,

As we navigate the labyrinth of stars, etched in the canvas of night,

Guide us in our pursuit, lend us thy hunger, thy unyielding might.

O Lycanthrope’s dam, we revere thy legend entwined with ours,

As cycles turn and hearts enthrall, may thy legacy ne’er diminish or sour.

We vow to remember, to honor thy gift, thy sacrifice, thy tale,

For in the warmth of our blood, and the breath of our cities, thou shalt forever prevail.

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Updated on February 20, 2024
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