Hymn to Ma'at

Hymn to Ma’at

O sacred Ma’at, thou Eye of Ra,
Mistress of the Underworld, Queen of Earth,
Lady of Heaven, all hail thy wondrous birth!
With reverence, we bow before thy law.

Thou Songstress of Truth, Lady of Justice,
Thou who orders the manifest world,
A bulwark ‘gainst chaos, thy wings unfurled,
Grant us thy balance, order, and solace.

Thine ostrich plume, symbol of harmony,
Upon thine emerald brow, it proudly rests,
In hearts weighed ‘gainst it, the truth manifests.
Guide us, O Lady, toward equity.

In this sacred Hall, with penitent hearts,
We face the judgment ‘fore Osiris’ gaze,
Weighed against thy feather, divine and chaste,
To join thee in the cosmic order’s arts.

O Daughter of Re, paired with Thoth’s wisdom,
Lead us from darkness, Isfet’s vile embrace,
May we traverse life, with Ma’at as our grace,
And in death, find comfort in Thy Kingdom.

Thy presence ensures stars align in place,
The seasons dance to thy harmonious tune,
By thou, O Ma’at, let chaos be hewn,
Thus we celebrate Thee in our sacred space.

At thy command, the sun ascends anew,
The fires of creation, by thy wish, burn bright.
Guide our hearts in truth, bring order from night,
In thy eternal balance, make us true.

Blessed Ma’at, thou eternal chant divine,
In humble worship, our hearts, pure, shall join,
Lead us to thy realm of truth and light,
And in the loving grace of Ma’at, let us unite.

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Updated on October 31, 2023
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