hymn to Nefertum

Hymn to Nefertum

Oh Nefertum, graceful son of Ptah and Sekhmet divine,
Thou “Beautiful One Who Closes,” or “One Who Does Not Close”; thy sacred name we entwine.
From Memphis’ ancient trinity, thine essence did emerge,
With tender lotus upon thy head, and feathers grand that did converge.

Embodiment of healing, incense, beauty, and life immortal,
Faithful assistant to the departed, thou standest firm at death’s dark portal.
A flower sprouting forth, from the fertile body of the land,
The noblest Egyptians, in tribute, held ye close to hand.

The god Ra, mighty and sublime, holdeth thee aloft,
A precious bloom, a cherished gem, a fragrant offering so soft.
As custom dictates, we now too, must join this honoured rite,
With fragrant flowers held to our heart, in joyous praise and heartfelt delight.

In creation’s tale, thou hold’st profound meaning and station,
Rising as a child from lotus blossom, midst the sacred sea, the birth of creation.
Thy blessings wept upon this earth, from whence humanity did stem,
Gifts bestowed, and lives anew begin, all owing to thee, sweet Nefertem.

Rise like Nefertem, thou peerless deity, from the blue water lily pure,
Unto the nostrils of Ra, the creator and sungod, each dawn thy splendor endure.
Emerge upon the horizon, bestow thine eternal grace,
Foreshadowing day’s gentle warmth, and night’s enchanted embrace.

Clad in young visage, water-lily flowers thy mystic crown,
Son of Bastet, thy lion’s head, or cat reclining, doth make us bowdown.
Our hearts carry thy likeness, a charm to bring good fortune near,
As did our ancestors, so we too, hold thine image dear.

All hearken to this heartfelt hymn, to Nefertum, deity sublime,
As Ancient Egypt did long ago, and Tutankhamun in his time,
For art we not the progeny of thy tears, divine and pure,
To honor thee, with reverence bound, in the hymn or sacred prayer, forevermore endure!

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Updated on October 12, 2023
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