Hymn to Nut

Hymn to Nut, the Sky’s Enveloping Grace

To Thee, O Nut, eternal Coverer of the Sky,
Whose radiant body spans the boundless realm above,
We sing our fervent hymn, extolling Thy sweet touch
That gently shelters Earth and all its hallowed life.

Encompassing the grand design, ascending in Thy grace,
The visible visage, arching o’er the Earth, Thou be;
Atop Thy mighty sibling, Geb, Thou stand with strength,
Entwined in a sweet embrace that keeps this world afloat.

Under Thy care, awake the stars that mirror Thee;
In the nightly hours, Thy bejeweled figure lights the way,
Each point a brilliant testament to Thine empyreal gleam,
A celestial array that fortifies the soul.

She Who Protects, a haven for the Sun God Ra,
Embracing His divine force as it weaves between Thy skin,
As Dawn ascends, we know Thy love brings forth His rise,
Rebirth be His providence, a testament to Thee.

Mistress of All, with progeny of Divine creation,
Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys, and Horus eke,
Their birth from Thy unbroken union of Heaven and Earth,
An augury of glory, stemming from celestial contact.

Nut, She Who Holds a Thousand Souls in tender grasp,
Refreshing life’s departed in the realm of ethereal rest,
For Thine embrace, O sweet provider in the afterlife,
We offer gratitude and devotion, a sacred gift repaid.

Defender of the Cosmos, the shield that casts away,
Chaotic forces tremble in Thy commanding might;
We bow to Thee, Nut, who touches cardinal points with love,
Binding us in cosmic balance through the endless night.

Implore we now in reverence, to our celestial mother,
Stretch Thy protective hands and cast us ‘mongst Thy stars,
Guardian of souls, who wraps her children in her arms,
O Nut, enfolding grace, Thou art eternal life in grace.

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Updated on October 31, 2023
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