Hymn to Sekhmet

Hymn to Sekhmet

In the boundless expanse of beaming light,
Where Ra doth rise and with brilliance ignite,
From his fiery essence, a goddess came,
Mistress of Dread, Sekhmet by name.

O Lady of Life, enchantress divine,
Whose breath as desert winds doth intertwine,
Through mountains of setting sun do She pace,
Protector of Ma’at and sovereign of grace.

Titian-hued Mistress of the Ages untold,
In the garb of bright red linen, Her tale unfolds,
As the Eye of Ra, She cast her sight,
Upon mortal rebellion, to cease their spite.

With rage as Her weapon, and vengeance as spear,
She struck down injustice, ridding the lands of fear,
Yet bloodlust unceasing, Sekhmet roamed free,
Drowning the sands in tumultuous sea.

Hail, lifegiver of the Two Lands, O mighty Dame,
Whose visage doth burn as the undaunted flame,
Red Lady of Pestilence, Her wisdom did wield,
Both cure for the sick and dread on the battlefield.

Then Ra, in His infinite wisdom, designed,
A ruse to assuage Her wrathful mind,
A lake of red ochre mingling with beer,
Lay spread o’er the land, the rampage to clear.

In inebriated slumber, Sekhmet did rest,
The carnage subsided, and Egypt was blessed,
Thus ceased the tempest, and harmony reigned,
The balance of Ma’at, by Her might, maintained.

She fled from the fray,
Dimming the sun’s potent, life-giving ray,
Persuaded by Thoth, Her fire resumed,
Restoring the balance, by which worlds bloom.

Oh gracious one, destroyer of treason,
Thy valor immense, in the name of reason,
Goddess of medicine, warrior supreme,
We sing to Thee, our reverent hymn.

So let every soul, in unending praise,
To Sekhmet, recite these words we raise,
For in Her realm, our spirits do thrive,
Majestic Sekhmet, eternally alive.

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Updated on October 31, 2023
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