Hymn to Set

Hymn to Set

In lands of shifting sands and storms, we praise
To thee, oh mighty Set, in stalwart brave
Red Land’s divine, from chaos you have wrought –
A boundless strength, eternal all-engulfing force.

Against Apophis, fearsome serpent beast,
You stand before Ra’s barge, a spear in hand,
With mighty thrust, dark chaos bends to will –
Oh, He who slays with spear and word, we sing to thee.

Yet devious, cunning stealth you wield within,
Shape-shifting god, a trickster in the night,
With forms thou takest, oryx, bull and crocodile,
The panther prowls behind the veil, unseen.

Lord of the Desert, Master of the Sands,
Where storms are birthed and tempest’s breath alights,
To wield thy power, to sow confusion’s seed,
For chaos births the order we hold dear.

Oh, He who deviates from Order known,
Wild tricks play upon the wisest minds,
In thee, oh Set, we find the balance dear,
The sentinel ‘gainst chaos, storm, and shifting sands.

Rejoice, for Set, he rules the Red Land vast,
With sword that calls men to fierce war, awake!
And staff that summons storms, an unfettered wrath –
He who protects Ra from dread Apep’s gaze.

In strife, thou stood against thy brother’s throne,
The struggle of Horus and thine embroiled,
Yet reconciled, thou combatant, we find
Duality between two realms divine.

And now our voices rise to praise thy name,
Oh, Set, oh force of nature, chaos’ breath,
Upon our lips we sing, emboldened by thy hand,
Great god of desert, storm and balance sealed.

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Updated on October 31, 2023
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