Hymn to Skadi

Hymn to Skadi

Lo, hail maiden fair, who hunts in winter’s snow,
Tracker of the easy path, holds power of kaldr’s jaws,
Goddess whose aim is never astray, her mark never missed;
The tales of Old will tell of you, Ski Goddess wrapped in bliss.

She, the mountain’s heart, the snow apart, Skadi known to all,
Born of Ägir’s wrath, bloodied bath, she held the gods in thrall.
She sought revenge, her father avenged, the Æsir stood aghast,
Their will aligned, a husband to find; from their ranks so vast.

Oh Skadi, she chose by the feet enclosed, knowing not the man,
A warrior’s stride, could not hide, Njörðr her chosen clan.
He who loved the sea, not destiny, their unity met its end,
Yet, in her hand, the marriage band, bore a different trend.

Sleep in her father’s mount, or by Njörðr’s sea haunt,
Her heart, a field riven, her joy uneven; their love a chant.
From sea-bed’s screeching bird, to wolf’s song oft heard,
Choice was a riddle spurned, love’s melody, lost and blurred.

Yet the resilient Skadi, the one who brought laughter,
Turned to Odin, the Allfather, and found love there after.
Bare-foot beauty, fierce in duty, her resolve never fray,
children of her womb, like stars in skies bloom, mark her way.

Oh, Öndurdís, your wisdom we seek, in your divinity we revel,
You who tamed the Serpent of vile intent, your courage does never dwindle.
The winter’s chill, your will’s thrill, we bards in mead halls sing,
A shield in battles wild, irreplaceable child, our strength in everything.

From Thrymheim’s rocky slope, to Asgard’s godly trove,
Your tale speaks of hope, of change and love we approve.
From the stars born of Þjazi’s gaze deep,
In Skadi’s honor, our promises we keep.

Hear us now, Ski goddess, as you tread the winter’s veil,
May your lessons guide our feckless hearts, and righteous paths unveil.
Your journey’s echo, resounds in silence, where snow meets the tree,
In sacred chant and whispered prayer, Skadi, we honor thee.

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Updated on January 30, 2024
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