Hymn to Thoth

Hymn to Thoth

In homage to Thoth, the Ibis ever bright,
Whose visage doth reveal the Moon’s soft light,
The thrice great and noble god we sing,
The Mind of All, to whom our praises bring.

As we reflect upon thy sacred lore,
To us Thoth, represent’st moonlit shore,
The writer of the laws, the One who stands,
Beneath the sun, with Ma’at’s tender hands.

As `cross the sky, in Ra’s resplendent boat,
With artful quill, thou dost record each note,
The Master of the Word, whose wisdom’s might,
In sacred texts, illuminates our sight.

From Hermopolis, through Khmun’s ancient door,
Thy temple’s silent ruin we adore,
O Artist, whose celestial works unfold,
In papyri scrolls, and tales of old.

We bend our heads in thanks for knowledge fair,
For science, magic, art, and judgment rare,
Beside the Winding Canal, thy powers revealed,
Beneath the crescent moon’s eternal shield.

Oh, Thoth, the universe you wisely govern,
Through truth and righteous order, ever affirm,
Teach us thy sacred arts, as we convey,
Our gratitude for all thy gifts today.

For in thy presence, wisdom doth abound,
And mystery in hieroglyphs is found,
With baboon, reed, and sacred palette pure,
Thy symbols mark the path to truth’s allure.

In gentle whispers, sacred scriptures tell,
Of how in honor of thy name they dwell,
Thy triumph over Seth, with shields laid down,
Rising above, ascending to the crown.

And so we raise a hymn, with passion’s flame,
To celebrate the one who tamed Seth’s fame,
O Thoth, accept our humble adoration,
And guide us through life’s dark illumination.

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Updated on October 31, 2023
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