
The Moon is one of the classical planets in metaphysical and magickal traditions across the globe. From the ancient Greeks to modern-day witches, its luminescence has been a source of inspiration and connection. Use the power of the Moon for rituals and divination, astral projection and spell workings!

The Moon is often associated with goddesses in many cultures, representing femininity, emotions, intuition and psychic powers. During its various phases, the Moon can be used to amplify your magickal workings or even to set the intention of a spiritual practice.

For example, many practitioners use the night of a full moon for powerful spellworkings, as this is when energy from both the sun and moon are in balance. On the other hand, the waning moon is often used for banishings and releasing old habits or patterns.

When it comes to divination, the Moon is often associated with the intuition and psychic abilities of its practitioners. During a reading, many will use Tarot cards, runes or other forms of divination to interpret the energy surrounding them in relation to the current phase of the Moon. The Moon represents cycles, which is why it can be so helpful in understanding the patterns of our lives and providing insight into our spiritual journeys.

In addition to its use in magickal practice, the Moon has also been used for centuries as a way to mark the passage of time. Its waxing and waning phases have become linked with many different occasions and festivals around the world, both secular and spiritual. By studying the Moon and its movements, we can also access deeper intuition about our lives and intentions.

The power of the Moon can be harnessed to help us break free from destructive patterns or old habits that no longer serve us. By consciously connecting with the energy of the Moon, we can tap into a powerful source of energy to add to our work.

Common Correspondences

Planetary Symbol
AnimalCat, Rabbit/Hare,
ColorsWhite for the New, Red for the Full, Green for Waxing, Black for Waning
StonesMoonstone and Quartz
PlantsOpium, Lotus, Mushroom, Seaweed
Scent (Incense)Myrtle, Poppy, Jasmine
Chakra (Svadhistana)
GodsKnonsu, Ganesha, Sin, Nana,
GoddessesDiana, Artemis, Nimue, Hecate, Selene, Luna, Hathor, Isis, and many more

Kabbalistic Correspondences

Sephirothיסוד Yesod
Hebrew Letterג‎ Gimel
Hebrew Nameלבנה Levanah
Angelic Choirאשים Eshim
Archangelגבריאל Gabriel
Angelגבריאל Gabriel
Planetary SpiritChasmodai
Planetary IntelligencePhul
Crowleyian FormulaAlim
Greek Letter
γ gamma

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Updated on June 29, 2023
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