Orphic Hymn to Diana/Artemis

Hear me, daughter of the Cosmos, Queen untamed,
Lunar titaness, of fierce beauty famed:

In wild abandon, fiercely independent you remain,
Moonlit Goddess, to your realm and domain;
Guardian of birth, virgin power, aid divine,
Helping through the struggle, your strength is thine.

Breaking chains of age, for us to bear,
Fierce huntress, breathing life through forest air:
Swift as the wind, with silver arrows bright,
Roaming free, reveling by the night.

Strong in form and essence, unyielding grace,
Nature’s guardian, our humanity’s embrace:
Eternal, of Earth’s form, protector true,
It is your sacred ground, the forests grew.

Chasing the stag, amid the wild and untamed,
In endless bloom, your dazzling flame.

Oh, cosmic sovereign, fierce yet gentle in equal measure,
Embody the form of the wild’s own sacred treasure:
Mighty Goddess, with your benevolent breath,
Join us in the dance of life, where no bounds are set.

Let Earth be filled with fruit and abundance to share,
Send tender Peace, and Health with flowing hair,
Dispel the shadows of pain, upon trembling hills,
With your wild grace, and fierce spirit that stills.


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Updated on June 29, 2023
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