Orphic Hymn to Zeus

The Hymn adapted by Frater OD

Oh, Jove the honored, Jove the most supreme,

All holy rites to thee we pledge and esteem,

Our prayers and expiations at your feet divine,

As all things around your exalted head shine.

The earth is thine, with mountains and sea,

The vast sky above, with wide mystery.

Descended from above in grandeur befit,

Commanding, O sceptered one who escaped old Saturn’s spit.

All-parent, you are the principal and end,

Your mighty power shakes this world and reality you do rend,

Even Nature trembles at your godly nod,

Armed with lightning, thundering, O mighty Jupterian God.

Your source of abundance with purity and grace,

From every nature, shape, and form, you lend your divine grace,

With blameless health, divine peace, and your wealth, we do beseech,

Heed our prayer, O Mighty Jove, and to us may your blessing reach.

Fumigation for the Hymn

Burn Storax Incense or Wood Shavings

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Updated on July 4, 2023
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