
Sun: The Solar King

The Sun is one of the classical planets in metaphysical and magickal traditions across the globe. It is the source of energy and life on Earth, and it has been connected to vitality, strength, courage, success, and power. Its association with these qualities is mirrored in its astrological sign: Leo, which is known for qualities such as nobility, creativity, and generosity. In magickal practice, the Sun can be used in various ways – from solar to lunar rituals that incorporate certain aspects of the Sun. Additionally, it can be used for healing and protection because of its strong connection to vitality and life-force energy. The power of the Sun is an important part of metaphysical practice, and it is often honored in many different ways.

The Sun also has significance in tarot readings as well as other forms of divination. The cards that are associated with the Sun in the tarot are Strength, The Sun, and Judgment. Strength is often connected with courage and inner strength; The Sun can be related to joyousness, success, hope, vitality, and renewal, while Judgment speaks of spiritual revelations or awakenings. Additionally, these cards can also signify growth and transformation when they appear in a reading.

The Sun is also associated with the elements of fire and air, as well as the colors yellow and gold. In some forms of Wicca, for example, these attributes are used in magick spells and ritual to represent fiery energy or the dawning of a new day. Furthermore, it is sometimes used to boost personal power or to illuminate a path.

Common Correspondences

Planetary Symbol
AnimalEagle, Lion, Phoenix
ColorsGold, Yellow
ElementalFire & Air
StonesTopaz, Yellow Diamonds
PlantsCitrus, Saffron, Marigold, Acacia, Ash,
Scent (Incense)Frankincense, Laurel
Chakra (Anahata)
GodsHelios, Hyperion, Ra, Utu, Krishna, Rama, Shamash
GoddessesAmaterasu, Bast, Ilat, Theia, Sekhmet, Sol

Kabbalistic Correspondences

Sephirothטיפרת Tiphareth
Hebrew Letterר Resh
Hebrew Nameשמש Shemesh
Angelic Choirשיננים Shinanim
Archangelרפאל Raphael
Angelמיכאל Michael
Planetary SpiritSorath
Planetary IntelligenceOch
Crowleyian FormulaAbrahadabra IAO, INRI
Greek Letter

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Updated on June 23, 2023
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