Tefnut: The Egyptian Goddess of Moisture

Tefnut, the ancient Egyptian goddess of moisture, occupies a significant position in Egyptian cosmology, esoteric thinking, and mythology. As a member of the Ennead of Heliopolis, Tefnut is associated with moist air, dew, and rain, which had life-giving characteristics essential for the flourishing of agriculture and human civilization in ancient Egypt. This article examines the evolution, mythology, magickal practices, and cultural influence of Tefnut.

Mythological Origin and Evolution

Tefnut is a daughter of the solar deity Atum-Ra and is the sister and consort of the air god Shu. She is the mother of Geb (the earth) and Nut (the sky), who, in turn, gave birth to children who are important deities in Egyptian mythology. Among Tefnut’s grandchildren are Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys, and in some versions, Horus the Elder is also included. She is also known as the great-grandmother of Horus the Younger. Tefnut was a member of the Heliopolitan Ennead, a group of nine deities worshiped primarily at the city of Heliopolis.

Numerous myths depict the creation of Tefnut and her twin brother Shu. Most of these stories agree on Tefnut’s unusual origin, parthenogenesis, and the involvement of bodily fluids. In the Heliopolitan creation myth, Atum (Tefnut’s father) sneezed her and Shu into existence. Pyramid Text 527 states, “Atum was creative in that he proceeded to sneeze while in Heliopolis. And brother and sister were born – that is Shu and Tefnut.”] Some versions of the creation myth incorporate Atum spitting out his saliva, a linguistic play on the first syllable of Tefnut’s name which also means “to spit” or “to expectorate.”

The Coffin Texts, Bremner-Rind Papyrus, and the Memphite Theology expand on this theme, describing Shu as being sneezed out through Atum’s nose, with Tefnut emerging as his saliva. As a lioness goddess, Tefnut was associated with the Eye of Ra and was known for her wrathful aspect. She was said to have fled to Nubia in a rage at one point and assumed the role of the Eye of Ra.

Roles and Functions in Mythology

Tefnut’s primary role in Egyptian mythology centers on the creation and sustenance of life. As the goddess of moisture, she played a crucial part in the agricultural cycle, ensuring the land’s fertility and the people’s prosperity. Tefnut’s connection with moisture positioned her as a symbol of life, regeneration, and renewal, which were essential themes in ancient Egyptian religious beliefs.

As an overarching figure in the Egyptian pantheon, Tefnut participated in weaving various myths surrounding power struggles, kinship, and the relationships between deities. The story of her flight to Nubia and her subsequent return, led by Thoth and Shu, exemplifies her volatile nature and the delicate balance between order and chaos within the cosmos.

Magickal Practices and Rituals

Tefnut’s influence extended into magickal practices and rituals. In the Leiden Papyrus, a magickal text from the late Ptolemaic period (c. 200 B.C.), Tefnut is invoked to protect an individual from danger and open doors of opportunity. She was also called upon for help in healing spells, as the goddess of moisture had strong associations with fertility and renewal. Many rituals were performed in honor of Tefnut’s role in the cosmic order, including sacrifices to her by way of burning incense or pouring water on the ground.

Cultural and Artistic Representations

The worship of Tefnut continued throughout the New Kingdom (c. 1550-1070 B.C.) and beyond, and she appears in many artistic depictions from this period. Tefnut was often represented by a lioness or as a woman with the head of a lion. Her association with the sun god Ra also led to her portrayal as a griffon, which is a combination of an eagle and a lion. She also appears on this period’s various styles, amulets, and cosmetic palettes.

Guided Meditation to Meet the Goddess Tefnut

Begin by finding a quiet, comfortable space where you will be undisturbed. Close your eyes and take a few deep, calming breaths. As you inhale, imagine yourself drawing in the fresh, life-giving energy of the world around you. As you exhale, release any stress or tension you may be holding.

Recite the Hymn of Tefnut

Now, visualize yourself in the fertile plains of ancient Egypt. It’s the break of dawn, and the air is filled with a soft mist – the moisture that Tefnut, the goddess of moisture, gifts each morning. As you walk, you feel the dew-kissed grass beneath your feet, and the sun is just beginning to peek above the horizon, casting a golden glow on the landscape.

You come across a majestic lioness sitting by the Nile with a sun disk and Uraeus (Egyptian cobra) on her head. You know intuitively that this is Tefnut. She radiates a warm, nurturing energy. Approach her with respect and reverence in your heart.

Greet her and express your intentions for this meeting. Remember, Tefnut is a goddess of life and renewal. Ask her for her guidance, her protection, or her healing. As you speak with her, you might feel a sense of deep calm and peace washing over you. This is Tefnut’s blessing.

When you are ready, thank Tefnut for her wisdom and bid her farewell. As you leave, you see the sun has fully risen, and the world is bathed in its soft, golden light. Carry this light with you as you slowly bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings.

Gently wiggle your fingers and toes, and when you feel ready, open your eyes. The meeting with Tefnut has ended, but her wisdom and the peace it brings remain with you. This guided meditation is a powerful tool to connect with Tefnut and can be revisited whenever needed.

Ritual to Absorb the Power of Tefnut

To perform this ritual, you will need a bowl of water, a blue candle, and an image or symbol of Tefnut. Please ensure you are in a quiet, comfortable space.

  1. Preparation: Light the blue candle and place it in front of the image or symbol of Tefnut. The blue candle represents the water, the element associated with Tefnut. This flame is a beacon, guiding Tefnut’s power to your presence.
  2. Invocation: Place your hands over the water bowl once the candle is lit. Close your eyes and recite the following invocation, derived from the Ancient Egyptian texts of Heliopolis:

“I call upon you, Tefnut, goddess of moisture and life-giving dew.

You who emerged from the divine sneeze, the spittle of Atum,

You who make the land fertile and the people prosperous,

I beseech your presence and your power.

May the essence of your strength, like the Nile’s flow,

Infuse with this water, bestowing upon me your wisdom and protection.”

  1. Absorption: After the invocation, immerse your hands in the bowl of water. Visualize the energy of Tefnut infusing the water, and as you touch it, feel her power transferring to you. Stay in this position for a few moments, absorbing the divine energy.
  2. Closing: Once you feel the energy transfer is complete, slowly withdraw your hands from the water. Extinguish the candle, and express your gratitude towards Tefnut for her guidance and power.

Remember, rituals like this are personal. Feel free to modify the steps to suit your comfort and belief. Always approach with respect and sincerity when dealing with such powerful divine energies.

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Updated on October 31, 2023
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