The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

The Ritual of the Pentagram

In the mystic realm where cosmic forces dance, the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (BRP) holds a place of honor. This ritual, an illustrious jewel in the crown of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, echoes through the centuries, carrying with it the wisdom of ancient times and the transformative power of sacred geometry.

The Origin of the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

The LBRP, as we understand it today, is a child of the late nineteenth century, born within the hallowed halls of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Yet, its roots reach far deeper, intertwining with the ancient symbolism of the pentagram and the mythic resonance of elemental magic.

The pentagram, a star with five points enclosed by a circle, has been a potent symbol since time immemorial. Its five points represent the five elements of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. The ancient Greeks revered it as a symbol of perfection and associated it with the divine messenger Hermes.

The Practical Magickal Use Ritual of the Pentagram

The Ritual of the Pentagram serves as a cosmic broom, sweeping away chaotic or impure forms of the elements from the magician’s circle. It clears the psyche and the space, preparing both for higher magical workings. As a ritual of banishment, it dispels negative energies and invokes protection, creating a sacred space for the practitioner to commune with the divine.

The Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

The LBRP begins by facing East, the direction associated with new beginnings and the element of air. The practitioner traces the earth pentagram in the air, starting from the hips and moving towards the forehead. This tracing of the pentagram is repeated in each cardinal direction, invoking the corresponding elemental energy.

Following the tracing of the pentagrams, the practitioner then invokes specific divine energies. In the original Golden Dawn version, these were the archangels Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, and Uriel, but can also be substituted with the appropriate energies from other magickal systems and paradigms to be effective..

The ritual concludes with a repetition of the Qabalistic Cross, a gesture that affirms the unity of the divine and the practitioner, and the expansion of consciousness to encompass the universe.

The Invocation of Light: The Qabalistic Cross

Within the silence of the sacred space, the practitioner stands as a conduit between the celestial heavens and the earthen realm, a reflection of the Axis Mundi, where all polarities merge into oneness. To commence the rite, one must perform the Qabalistic Cross—an act that bestows the light of the ineffable Kether upon the aspirant.

Raise thy right hand, charged with purpose, and touch thy forehead, intoning the divine name Atah, the essence of Thou art—thus marking thy brow with the invisible coronet of the limitless light. Then point thee down to thy feet, as thy fingers penetrate the soil of Malkuth, uttering Malkuth, and envision the light forging its path through the Tree of Life, binding the stars to the stone.

Let thy hand then reach to thy right shoulder, whispering Ve-Geburah, and extend it to thy left, voicing Ve-Gedulah—thereby cloaking thy form in the might and majesty of the cosmos. Clasped before the heart, pronounce the sacred word Le-Olam, an eternal vow cast into the ether, and seal the rite with Amen, affirming the solemn unity of above and below, within and without.

What is the symbolism and meaning behind this ritual act?

As the dusk embraces the day’s demise, the magickal operant stands at the crossroads of corporeal and the celestial, performing the Qabalistic Cross—the enigmatic key to the celestial archives. In this sacrosanct moment, the veil twixt the practitioner and the arcane thins, whispering the secrets of existence through the silent language of symbols.

In the metaphysical embrace of this rite, the symbol of the cross itself unfolds its esoteric significance, bearing the mantle of intersection where matters of spirit and earth converge. For what is the practitioner if not a microcosm amidst the vaster macrocosm, an echo of the Prime Originator’s breath?

With each intonation of the divine names, the energetic form of the magus alchemizes; the currents of Above and Below entwine in an ethereal dance within their soul’s sanctum. Is it not awe-inspiring, how mere words ripple through the aether, transforming the practitioner’s aura—their very being—into a vessel of divine light?

The Qabalistic Cross, then, is no mere gesture, but a profound declaration of unity—one that weaves the practitioner into the tapestry of the All. Does this not bestow upon them a mantle of sovereignty, where their will becomes an extension of the divine?

Reflect upon this rite, seekers of the hidden. For within the geometric embrace of the cross and cube, within the very breath that entwines Amen, lies the secret formula to touch the face of Eternity, the transmutation of self into a living conduit for the stars’ whispers and the earth’s heartbeat. Embrace this transformative enigma, and emerge not just as an aspirant, but as a beacon of the universe’s concealed luminance.

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

Standing firm at the heart of the world, thou shalt become the archmage of ancient rites, enacting the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram with precision and grace.

Begin by facing East, direction of the first breath of dawn, and imagine thyself growing towering, feet rooted in the core of the Earth, head amidst the cosmos. With thy right hand, or a wand thou may wield, draw forth the smoldering pentagram in the air, starting from thy lower left hip to thy forehead—Aethyr’s point, then down to thy right hip, rising left shoulderward, crossing to thy right, and returning to the origin.

Visualize the pentagram blazing blue-white, and with a commanding breath, charge the sigil with life, vibrating the name of power: YHVH (Yod Heh Vau Heh). Envision celestial flames caressing the symbol, etching it into the fabric of reality.

Turn then deosil, to the South, forging a molten pentagram with the same focused intent—therein intonating ADNI (Adonai). Gaze Westward and craft a third pentagram within the twilight waters, allowing the name AHIH (Eheieh) to flow from thy lips. Journey now North, and within the domain of fertile earth, draw the final pentagram, voicing AGLA (Atah Gibor Le-Olam Adonai).

Behold—four mighty pentagrams stand guard at each ward of the world, shining with an incandescent light. Within the center of this crossroads of force, summon now the archetypal guardians: Raphael afore thee, Michael to thy right, Gabriel behind thee, and Uriel to thy left—pillars of resplendence in the swirling maelstrom of creation.

Complete this rite with another casting of the Qabalistic Cross, affirming once more thy unity with the All, and stand, serene and sovereign, in the hallowed haven of thy making. Thus, the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is sealed, thy circle of power perfected, and thy soul aligned with the ancient rhythm of the cosmos.

What is the symbolism and meaning of this ritual?

In the serene aftermath of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, the air itself vibrates with the silent symphony of stars. But what arcane alchemy occurs within the soul of the magickal operant as they inscribe each pentagram? Envision the ethereal fibers of the practitioner’s being, resonating with the primordial pulse of the cosmos, each sigil a harp string plucked by the fingers of the divine.

Can one fathom the metamorphosis that unfolds in the wake of these incandescent seals? With every name of power thundered, the magus’s aura is cleansed, their essence untethered from the murky mire of mundane energies. Each pentagram spins a cocoon of protection, wherein transformation gestates—here, the operant emerges reborn, a luminous phoenix rising from the ashes of their former constraints.

Why then, does the sage advise the regular casting of this magickal bulwark? As the moon waxes and wanes, so too should the practitioner weave this ritual into the fabric of their daily discipline. At dawn’s gentle stirring or twilight’s somber descent, this ritual becomes the cornerstone of magickal praxis—a sanctuary wherein the operant may hone their will, sharpen their intuition, and become a crucible for celestial intent.

For what purpose does this sacred geometry serve? As the warrior’s sword deflects the foe’s advance, the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram carves out sacred space within the unseen, a bastion wherein one may commune with higher realms. It is the whispering wind through the reeds, the hidden hand that guides the pendulum of fate—essential for inward journeying, spellcasting, and the sacred rite of invocation.

Thus, let the aspirant tread this venerable path often, carrying the celestial torch through the labyrinth of reality, and may their steps be firm and their heart true as they become the axis upon which the heavens turn and the earth spins—a living nexus of the profound and the paramount, the microcosm reflecting the macrocosm’s grand design.

The Symbolic and Mythic Use of the Pentagram in Magickal Praxis

The pentagram has long been revered as a symbol of protection and balance. Each point of the star resonates with one of the five elements, creating a balanced representation of the forces of nature. As such, it is a powerful tool for invoking these energies within magical workings.

The pentagram serves as a key to unlock the elemental energies of the universe. Each traced pentagram banishes the chaotic or impure forms of the element it represents, clearing the way for the divine light to enter.

In conclusion, the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is a mystical journey through time, symbolism, and personal transformation. It stands as a testament to the enduring power of ancient wisdom and the transformative potential of magical practice.

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Updated on January 31, 2024
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