
The classical element of Water stretches across all cultures from the East to the West. It is a powerful symbol and is often used in magic and spiritual practices. In some cases, it is seen as the source of all life. Water has many magical properties, such as purification, cleansing, healing, transformation, and protection.

Water can also be used for divination or scrying to gain insight into the future. By focusing on the surface of still water, one can access visions, dreams, and other forms of spiritual insight. Water is also believed to be connected to the subconscious mind and can be used to explore the realm of imagination.

In magical rituals, water is often used as a cleansing agent to drive away negative energies or entities. It can also help raise energy levels for ritual work, spell casting, and invocation. Water is often used in spells and rituals that involve cleansing, healing, protection, purification, and transformation.

Water can also be used to offer to spirits or deities to show gratitude or respect for the help being provided. In some traditions, water is believed to have a powerful connection with intuition and emotion, making it useful for emotional healing practices.

Basic Correspondences

Western Alchemical Symbol
Hindu Tattwa (Apas)
Stage of Microcosmic LifeMiddle Age
Physical HumorBlood
QualitiesCold, Moisture, Weight
State of MatterLiquid
Time of DaySunset
Magical ToolCup/Chalice
Human SenseTaste
StoneAquamarine, Beryl
Tarot TrumpHanged Man
Tarot Court CardsQueens

Kabbalist (Qabalistic) Correspondences

Kabbalistic WorldBriah
Divine NameElohim Tzabaoth
Elemental RulerTharsis
Hebrew NameMaim
Edenic RiverGihon
Letter of TetragrammatonHe
Evangelist (Apostle)John

Craft Correspondences

AnimalFish, Dolphins
ColorsWhite, Sea Green, Gray
Directional WindsZephyrus
Elemental KingNecksa
GoddessesAphrodite, Mari
GodsPoseidon, Neptune, Llyr, Oceanus, Pontus
PlantsLotus, Melon, Cucumber, Ferns, Seaweed
Scent (Incense)Myrrh, Onchya

Goetic Correspondences

Demon King (Goetic)Corson
Demon KingAriton
Demon PrinceAzael
River of HellStyx

Enochian Correspondences

Enochian WordHCOMA
Enochian Divine NameMPH ARSL GAIOL
Enochian Supreme Elemental KingTHAHEBYOBIAATAN
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Updated on June 26, 2023
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