Eucharisma and Confession for All

In the realm of spiritual practice, people often associate concepts like confession and Eucharisma with Abrahamic religions, particularly Christianity. However, in the diverse landscape of occultism and alternative spirituality, these concepts resonate and apply beyond their traditional confines. This article explores the significance and practicality of confession and Eucharisma in chaos magick and other non-Abrahamic practices.

The Value of Confession

Confession, broadly defined as the act of acknowledging one’s faults or wrongdoings, permeates various spiritual traditions worldwide, not exclusive to Abrahamic religions. In ancient pagan cultures, individuals confessed to priests, shamans, deities, or spirits as part of rituals aimed at seeking forgiveness, atonement, and guidance. Similarly, in Eastern philosophies, confession can play a vital role in the process of self-reflection and the pursuit of enlightenment.

Beyond its religious connotations, confession offers psychological and spiritual benefits. Verbalizing our thoughts and emotions helps release inner burdens and gain clarity. This process of catharsis is central to many non-Abrahamic spiritual practices, offering practitioners a path to self-awareness and transformation. Sometimes, penance is attached, often in the form of a labor or pilgrimage, which should be aligned with the issue to have any value.

As a confessor in my local community, I provide people with the chance to expose their discomforts and offer listening or advice as needed. Some feel the need to make amends to the world for their wrongdoing or wrong thoughts. I am privileged to be trusted with that information and to help them find a way to balance their lives. I have even dealt with the confessions of Left Hand Path Magickians who felt they had done wrong by themselves and were not sure how to shake it off.

Penance presents challenges. In the Catholic faith, there are various standard practices repeated in prayers. In magick circles, we rarely have standard anything. If you are interested, I have what I call the “Confession of the 6 Ways” meditation. Feel free to contact me here on Magic.Social or on Discord, and we can discuss it. I find it a very private matter, so I prefer not to put it out publicly.

Understanding Eucharisma/Eucharistia outside of Abrahamic practices.

Eucharisma, derived from the Greek word “Eucharistia” meaning gratitude or thanksgiving, commonly associates with the Christian sacrament of the Eucharist. However, older and similar concepts of giving thanks and offering blessings exist in a myriad of spiritual traditions worldwide.

At its most basic, it involves people sharing enjoyment of a blessing in the form of food and/or drink. Older pagan rituals, practitioners make offerings of food, drink, or other symbolic items to gods and spirits as acts of devotion and reciprocity. In chaos magick, practitioners often perform rituals of gratitude and empowerment, drawing upon the energy of the universe to manifest their intentions.

The essence of Eucharisma is about channeling and directing energy for positive change. It transcends religious boundaries, manifesting in diverse rituals and practices aimed at honoring the divine and cultivating abundance in all aspects of life.

Using these tools in modern practice

In chaos magick, witchcraft, and ceremonial magick, eucharisma can take on unique significance.

Eucharistic practices can serve as a means of storing non-physical concepts so they can be utilized or examined later. By charging sigils, rituals, and spells with the intent and energy thus stored, practitioners tap into the universal flow of abundance through acts of gratitude and celebration. Mages can also imbue items with currently non-productive energies. For example, I have used Eucharisma to deal with emotional pain by directing that pain into a square of chocolate to hold until I could deal with it later that day. In group work, we have also used Eucharisma to share joy from each to all. It is a beautiful thing.

In practice, chaos magicians may incorporate confession through journaling, meditation, or dialogue with another person or spiritual entities. The key lies in personal experimentation and adaptation, as each practitioner finds their own unique approach to these powerful concepts. Confession becomes a tool for self-examination and release, allowing practitioners to acknowledge and integrate their shadows. By confessing doubts, fears, and desires, practitioners can clear the path for effective magickal work. One of the major issues of modern magickians is that they have a tendency to keep thing between their ears where they get in the way. Confession allows things to be removed allowing perspective and practice to move in a far more smooth manner.

Let’s Give it a Try!

Title: Eucharisma to vary the flavor of a medium


We wish to find out if we can vary a consumable item via directed will/thought/energy.

Choose a medium. This will be a consumable item you will attempt to alter.

Choose a target. This will be an concept that you wish to direct in to your medium. The following is a list of potential targets. Use any idea you can clearly experience in your memory or imagination. This is by no means a limiting list but you can see the wide varieties available.

  • emotion
  • memory
  • individual sensory input
  • nothingness
  • time
  • favorite spot on your couch

Using visualization and will direct the concept of your target into your medium.

It is a strong suggestion that you start with water and a simple flavor. I like an orange.

Normally I would share my results or conclusions here but I instead would ask you to add YOUR results in the comments. Don’t be shy we are all here to learn and your help is appreciated. Tell us your medium, target, results, and any challenges or epiphanies that occur.


In the Christian practice of the Eucharist the bread and wine are transformed into representations of the body and blood of Christ. I have yet to have meat or fat land on my tongue or get the strong taste of copper afflicting my taste buds. I have felt the difference in the materials however. How it happens, I am not sure. I have seen evidence that it is more than psychological is all I can tell you.

In this experiment we will capture the essence of the flavor of an orange in a small amount of water. If possible we will also test with someone else to see if they are aware of the difference after Eucharisma has been performed.

The idea is that we can alter or store non physical information in physical materia

Materials and Methods:

(these are all suggestions you will have to vary according to your supplies.)

Two identical items to act as your medium. (shot glasses filled with water, really, that’s all you need)

How to perform.

  1. Set aside your control medium.
  2. Visualize your target (orange) fully. The taste, texture, smell, drop on your lip. See an orange.(if you practice body magick track it through your body)
  3. Invoke your target. Let if fill you with the color and flavor. Every breath in become more orange. Every breath out breath out that which is not orange and yourself.
  4. Project your target into your medium. Raise it in salute, touch it, aim it down your wand or athame.
  5. Bind your target to your medium. I use a cross and many are shy of this. Use a symbol that means something to you. You can use a pentagram as your symbol of choice.
  6. Consume your charged medium. Using the medium thoughtfully will open to possibilities in your perception.
  7. Consume.
  8. Compare your control medium.


Please share your results in the comments


I have some fun variations for further experiments to try.

Try your medium on someone else. (Do not use emotional targets unless you discuss it with your someone else and receive consent)

Try it as a group.

Have others try it with you testing the medium and telling them what you felt.

With practice AND CONSENT deliver your content back and forth with others, then share what each received to test and verify.

My Opinion

Confession and Eucharisma offer profound insights and practical tools for spiritual growth and magickal practice, extending far beyond the boundaries of Abrahamic religions. In chaos magick and other non-Abrahamic traditions, these concepts provide pathways to self-awareness, empowerment, and connection with the divine. By embracing and integrating these practices into our spiritual journey, we open ourselves to new possibilities and deepen our understanding of the universal forces at work in the cosmos.

Thank you for your time as I know it is the one resource you can not replace.

  • Resist”
  • “Resist by maintaining Sovereignty of the Self.”
  • “Resist by maintaining Love of the Self.”
  • “Resist by maintaining fierce Loyalty to Love and Pleasure.”
  • “Resist with acts of Radical Kindness.”
  • “Focus on the Path to Better Times.”
  • To love
  • To forgive
  • To apologize


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Updated on May 7, 2024
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