Honoring the Living River of Blood

Honoring the Living River of Blood

Embrace the Wisdom of Ancestors in Your Magical Practice

As the liminal holy day of Samhain and its adjacent siblings from Dead of the Dead to All Hallows Eve and beyond closes in on us, it is time to embrace the day and night where the spirits walk the earth freely. What if we told you that the trustworthy source of your power as a practitioner of the occult might be hidden within the very souls of your own ancestors? Why are the dead, those closest to us, who have lived a human life, those uniquely suited to speak to us about our current challenges and our place in the grand scheme, so ignored?

Entering the realm of the dead, the Living River of Blood, can offer an immense wealth of wisdom and guidance for any practitioner of witchcraft, ceremonial magick, or the occult. Whether you are a seasoned magician or a new witch, we invite you to tap into this ancestral power and reconnect with practices that will enhance your spiritual journey.

Drink From the Ancestral Well

Practices like graveside rituals, ancestral altars, ancestral healing, offerings, and the silent supper are intrinsic to the world of the occult. Each honors the belief that during Samhain, the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest, allowing for communication and connection.

Graveside Rituals

Visiting the graves of your ancestors and performing rituals such as sprinkling salt, lighting incense, or meditating can establish a stronger connection to the spirit realm.

Ancestor Altars

Setting up an altar with photographs, heirlooms, and mementos of deceased family, friends, and companion creatures creates a physical space for remembrance and connection.

Ancestral Healing

Investigating and healing ancestral trauma steers your focus on seeking other witches in your family line or mapping your family tree.


Honor the dead by leaving offerings of flowers and food, such as apples, at ancestor altars or gravesides.

Silent Supper

A somber way to remember and respect the deceased, the silent supper honors the belief that during Samhain, the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest, allowing for communication and connection with our ancestors.

Shamanic Journey to the Underworld

Incorporating shamanic journeying techniques into your practice can open pathways to the underworld, where you can connect with your ancestors and receive guidance from them.

The Living River of Blood Runs Deep

Connecting with our ancestors through these rituals and practices not only allows us to tap into their wisdom, but also helps us understand our own place in the world. We are all links in an unbroken chain, with each ancestor contributing to our heritage and shaping who we are today.

Embrace Your Ancestry

By honoring the dead and embracing our ancestors, we honor and embrace ourselves. We acknowledge the struggles, triumphs, and wisdom of those who came before us, recognizing that their blood runs through our veins.

Seek Guidance and Protection

Our ancestors can offer guidance and protection in times of need. By building a relationship with them, we can tap into their strength and knowledge to help us navigate life’s challenges.

Heal Generational Wounds

Through ancestral healing, we can break cycles of trauma and heal wounds that have been passed down through generations. This not only benefits ourselves, but also future generations to come.

Connect with the Natural World

Our ancestors were deeply connected with the natural world, and by honoring them, we can also nourish our own connection with nature. This can bring balance and harmony to our lives.

Embrace the Wisdom of Ancestors in Your Practice

An Invitation to Connect with Your Ancestral Spirits

We challenge all of you in our magical community to make a concerted effort this winter season to enliven your practice with commerce from the realm of the dead. Dive deep into the ancestral well and begin to pull from their experience, allowing them to empower you. It is in their best interest for you to succeed.

So, fellow practitioners of the occult, witches, and magicians, it is time to get closer to the source, to imbibe from the Living River of Blood and embrace the wisdom of your ancestors in your magical practice. We ask you:

– Have you experienced communication with your ancestors during your spiritual practice? What insights have they provided?

– Which ancestral practices resonate with you the most? Have you tried any new practices recently?

– How do you intend to honor the Living River of Blood this Samhain season?

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below. Let us explore the power of the ancestors together and enhance our magical journey as a community.


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Updated on October 30, 2023
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