Forum Replies Created

  • Frater OD

    March 3, 2024 at 6:35 pm in reply to: What is your current focus in magickal praxis?

    I love that idea. Regular praxis is vital, very quickly we as human beings will revert to undisciplined reactive states. To call oneself a magician or practitioner of any kind one must have a daily praxis. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

  • Frater OD

    February 20, 2024 at 12:08 am in reply to: What is your current focus in magickal praxis?

    To get the ball rolling I will share a little bit of my current journey. Of late I have been doing a deep dive into Hellenismos and Neoplatonic Theurgy in the veins of Iamblichus.

    It has been truly expensive as I have taken on a much deeper relationship with one of my primary Daimona, the Goddess Aphrodite and all her aspects. In particular I have working through an ascent through the spheres through the aid of her progeny, the Erotes and her lovers.

    Still mid operation but the experience has been transcendent!

  • Exactly, like the Parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant! Everyone is right and no one is right. It is a wonderful paradox.

  • Brother I am with you there. Pantheism is the most comfortable and in a way I see them as all being right in their own way, from certain perspectives. I relish being able to switch between modes of consciousness so that I can more deeply comprehend or come to know divinity through various lenses. Such is the way of the philomageia, the lover of magick, as I am just loving that term I happened upon coining the other day. Overall, they all have their draws and their disadvantages. Thanks for sharing!

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