Forum Replies Created

  • Uncle_RS

    April 22, 2024 at 3:29 pm in reply to: Are you keeping a journal or grimoire in your praxis?

    I maintain 3 journals and what could be called a grimoire.

    1. My Dream Journal for recording first thing when I wake up. It also includes any thoughts I have about them.

    2. A Synchronicity Journal that goes in my pocket for events I encounter that seem related to workings or randomly improbable. I also use this to record Randonautica results.

    3. The Grimoire is specific documentation on workings to and eventually their results. I DO keep a record in the last 10 pages of expected results and look for that in my Working Journal. It also includes prayers and poetic works.

    3. My Working Journal is where I document and plan my day to day praxis. It includes a calendar function, planetary data, daily meditation results, daily operation of divination tools, Variations planned and discovered, planned rituals. All of these items are contemplated with pen in hand at the end of the day.

    I figure one day my daughters will have a hell of a bonfire or a loooot of reading to do.

  • Uncle_RS

    March 2, 2024 at 12:58 am in reply to: What is your current focus in magickal praxis?

    Currently my praxis is semi stable with Dailies, nightlies and in the creating tools for others. I have met so many people over the years that need help in their beginning or ongoing practice with daily regularity. I am working in paper and pen and digital fields so people can do what suites them best.

    The plan is to create templates they can either copy or print for their journals, journal techniques, a discord channel where they can record their daily practice and post any developments, support, or ideas. Participants will also sign up for a daily reminder with a suggestion to check in.

    Starting out with a 30 day beginning cycle designed to build the habit of doing daily practices and growing from that point forward once I get some idea what the community needs.

  • Uncle_RS

    February 23, 2024 at 6:19 pm in reply to: What is your current focus in magickal praxis?

    Second test

  • Uncle_RS

    February 23, 2024 at 6:17 pm in reply to: What is your current focus in magickal praxis?

    Test reply I will edit later

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