On the Nature of Will and Willpower

On the nature of the Will and Willpower

Empty Thine Self: A Poetic Parable

In a field where water doth flow with ease,

In the shadow of a world of toilsome bees,

Lay our tale of a soul in sun-scorched reprieve,

Desiring the solace mere mortal thought never grieves.

From his labor, the farmer beheld the mystery,

Nature’s symphony played for all ‘cept the miserly,

A man he dared watch, his eyes bearing gaiety,

One light with no coin, yet bathed in felicity.

In anger, he inquires of the man’s holy glee,

“What power, freedom or divinity lies with thee?”

The old one spoke soft and shed wisdom with glee,

“I am one with naught, thus with all I am free.”

Wracked by the answer divine, the man returns,

Yet life’s unpredictability bends new sojourns,

The village, some months hence, beholds rebirth,

The old man returns with his pockets full of earth.

Once poor in coin, now rich, the old man appears,

Still the same countenance he so lovingly wears,

Our man baffled, stares as from the gilded he hears,

“I shifted my sight, sought treasure—a soul’s revered.”

Riches shared, the businessman’s material bounty grew,

Yet within, a void prevailed, longing so alive and new.

In storm’s embrace, fate’s reckonings and blessings play,

And so he found the robed man yet once again in fray.

In a cave, illumined, stripped of wealth’s vainglory,

The old man hummed, a beacon of peace and sorry,

“What brings thee here, thy journey thus foretold?”,

“Joined with the all, becoming one with the manifold.”

Desperation brings our humbled man into the fold,

“Teach me thy will to bend reality, of hope untold!”,

“A secret vast, I grant thee now to see and hold:

Empty thineself, to find your origin’s tale of old.”

The farmer, changed and awed, in the cave returned,

With joy he donned, erasing worldly honor spurned.

Insult and injuries, he bore as acts of grace,

His mission now, the divine’s love to thus embrace.

Through trials and tribulations of a life anew,

The farmer ruminated on secrets of wisdom true,

For when a youth sought him, and asked the same,

“Thy answer lies in nought; let go, become untamed.”

The Parable of the Farmer and the Old Man by Frater OD

On the nature of the Will and Willpower

In the profound journey of uncovering the layers of willpower, we stumble upon the Parable of the Farmer and the Old Man in the Cave, unveiling a world ripe with transformation and self-realization. This mysterious tale allows us to pierce the veil separating our conscious and subconscious minds, where our limited understanding becomes vast, and the seemingly insignificant becomes the golden key to enlightenment.

Throughout the realms of existence, all monads, or indivisible units, possess willpower — the ability to choose and shape their destiny. A divine spark resonates within all beings and objects, whether they are animate or inanimate. This spark holds the innate potential for growth, creativity, and a desire to shape reality through the execution of will in various degrees: force, influence, attraction, or reception. Observing the interconnected wills of the universe, we glimpse a cosmic dance of competing desires and aspirations, creating a harmonious symphony that forms the fabric of life.

In the mortal realm, humans occupy a unique position within this divine hierarchy. Unlike simpler monads such as rocks or trees, human beings are gifted – or burdened – with a heightened sense of self-awareness. This awareness allows us to ponder our past and imagine our future, often at the expense of living in the present moment. Caught in the turbulent sea between reminiscence and anticipation, we become blind to the miracle of the present, forfeiting our true potential, rendering even the humble bee as having a more significant impact on the cosmic canvas.

But behold the wonderworkers: the magicians, sorcerers, witches, sages, and healers who defy the slumber of humanity. They have awakened the potent power of will, for they wield it consciously, harmonizing their heart, mind, and soul. With divine enlightenment, these luminous creators can perform what appears to be magical feats that defy ordinary understanding and logic, leaving the unawakened perplexed and astounded.

However, beyond these miraculous deeds lies an even grander realm: the revelation and embrace of the Divine Will. The illuminated souls who surrender to the Divine Will are radiant conduits for the universal flow, orchestrating the celestial symphony in harmony with the Prime Monad. Each embarks on a unique quest, seeking unity with the infinite, transcending their limited understanding to embrace the vast cosmic connectedness.

Thus, as occultists, ritual magicians, witches, and metaphysicians, our true purpose transcends the crafting of wonder and lies in the realization of our divine unity. Each step, each lesson, each miracle we work is a path towards the almighty goal of aligning with the Divine Will.

Embrace this tantalizing journey towards the ultimate realm of revelation, for the secrets of the cosmos await those daring to illuminate the darkness. Let the divine spark within ignite the transformative fire of self-awareness, beckoning you towards the threshold of enlightenment. The key lies within your own majestic will, for the power to shape reality is but a conscious choice away. As the sages say, more will be revealed in time.

Keys to Consider

  • Contemplate the Parable of the Farmer and the Old Man in the Cave helps unlock the layers of willpower and self-realization.
  • All monads possess willpower and the innate potential for growth and creativity.
  • Humans have a unique position in this divine hierarchy with a heightened sense of self-awareness.
  • Magicians and other awakened creators wield willpower consciously.
  • The ultimate goal is to align with the Divine Will and embrace the cosmic connectedness.
  • Embracing this journey towards enlightenment requires self-awareness and a conscious choice to shape reality.

This article is a preview of an upcoming release by Frater OD and Azoth Quest Publications


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