On the Statement of Desire vs Intent

In the practice of the occult, intention, and desire are fundamental concepts that shape the outcome of rituals, spells, and other magical workings. While desire is often associated with the emotional and passionate aspect of one’s wishes and internal processes, intention is more about the focused and directed energy one puts into their actions and outside observances. Understanding the difference between a Statement of Desire and a Statement of Intent is crucial for practitioners to achieve their magical goals effectively. While some practitioners feel that a Statement of Desire is less desirable, I personally feel that it has its place. One other thing to make clear, I speak American English, other languages may have other options and effects.

Statement of Desire

A Statement of Desire is a clear articulation of what one wishes to manifest or achieve through a magical working. It is often emotionally charged and reflects the heart’s truest desires. A well-crafted Statement of Desire is specific, concise, and resonates with the practitioner’s deepest emotional desires for change. For example, if someone desires financial abundance, their Statement of Desire might be, “I desire financial prosperity and abundance to flow into my life effortlessly and abundantly.” This statement is emotionally charged and specific, which helps to focus the energy of the ritual or spell towards the desired outcome. Please note that there is no adjective assigned to the desire, as a practitioner it is important that when you desire something the universe should know you “desire deeply” or you would not have bothered in the first place.

Statement of Intent

On the other hand, a Statement of Intent is a declaration of the practitioner’s will and determination to achieve their desired outcome, emotional and flowery language is best kept out of it. It is a focused and directed statement that sets the intention for the magical working in the external world. This is the statement of work or labor. One is attempting to craft reality around oneself. For example, if someone intends to find a new job, their Statement of Intent might be, “I intend to find a fulfilling and prosperous job that aligns with my skills and passions.” This statement is focused and determined, which helps to direct the energy of the ritual or spell towards the intended outcome.

Comparing and Contrasting Directly

When you apply emotions to the world outside of yourself, it is very easy for your thoughts after to change due to outside influence. This is the nature of emotion. Emotions, however, are extremely powerful for that internal work where the influence of others affects you to a far lesser degree. When you state your intention it should be rock solid and unaffected by weather, politics, or seagulls ( yes there is a story ). By considering the difference between the two, it is my experience that, practitioners can effectively align their desires and intentions to achieve their magical goals.

Practical Application

Crafting a Statement of Desire and a Statement of Intent requires clarity, focus, and determination. Practitioners should take the time to reflect on their true desires and intentions before crafting their statements. Using what can be called Active Voice. Active Voice is putting things in clear terms. “The magickian banished the spirit.” In this case, the object is the subject is the “Magician.” The action is banishing. The events are clear and easy to understand, with a clear action involved. The counter, Passive voice is like an apprentice in writing. It’s when the action is done to the subject. For example, “The spirit was banished by the magickian.” In this sentence, “the spirit” is the subject, but it’s not doing the action. Instead, it’s having the action done to it. It’s not as clear or exciting. It is important to be specific and concise, as vague or ambiguous statements may lead to unclear results. Choose emotional states or actions with strong words and links to your own needs.

Verb Tense Selection

Another issue is the time targeted. If you create a Statement based on past tense. “It was my desire to banish thee, undesired Spirit! Thus, I have achieved peace”. This actually works well for emotional states in a statement of desire. The reason is that it can give your emotional state a jump on the current. You are programming your desire to achieve peace. Some will tell you that this is a bad idea, and at the beginning of your Esoteric exploration, I would agree. My approach to this is that your emotions do not exist in parallel with your sense of time. Here is an example of the present tense. “It is my intent to banish thee, undesired Spirit! Thus I achieve peace.” I feel this works better for a statement of intent, but it can be used for desire as well. The future tense is for something you intend to happen in the future. If your intent is to feel better about something, then you might opt for a Statement of Desire instead

Ethical Considerations

In the practice of the occult, ethical considerations are paramount. Practitioners should always strive to align their desires and intentions with their values and principles. This means being mindful of the potential consequences of their actions and ensuring that they do not accidentally harm others in the pursuit of their desires. By practicing ethical magic, practitioners can ensure that their magical workings are aligned with their highest good and the highest good of all involved.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, understanding the difference between Statement of Desire and Statement of Intent is crucial for practitioners of the occult. A well-crafted Statement of Desire helps to focus the energy towards the desired outcome, while a Statement of Intent sets the intention for the magical working. By aligning their desires and intentions, practitioners can effectively achieve their magical goals while practicing ethical magic.


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  1. Well spoken sir! These are vital components that are not being launched in the public discourse enough. Thank you for sharing.

Updated on March 14, 2024
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