Episode 1: Do the Work, Drop the Ego, and Shut the Hell Up!

Do the Work, Drop the Ego and Shut the Hell Up!
Voces Mysticae
Voces Mysticae
Episode 1: Do the Work, Drop the Ego, and Shut the Hell Up!

In this inaugural episode of Voces Mysticae, we plunge into the depths of mysticism with “Do the Work, Drop the Ego. And Shut the Hell UP!” Join Frater O.D. and Uncle R.S. as they unravel the essence of true magical practice beyond the ego’s noise. Discover the importance of dedication, humility, and silence in your spiritual and magical endeavors. This episode is not just a discussion; it’s an initiation into doing the real work it takes to tap into the unseen realms.

Expect to be challenged, inspired, and, above all, prepared to engage with your practice on a level you’ve never considered before. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or newly called to the mystical path, this episode offers invaluable insights into what it means to truly commit to the magickal renaissance.

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Episode #1: Do the Work, Drop the Ego and Shut the Hell Up!


Vncl∃ RS (00:03)
There we go.

Frater O.D. (00:04)
Welcome to… I gotta work on the pronunciation of this. I mean, I try to select a name that sounds super mystical. Super mystical. And I’ve been sitting here thinking about it all day. I was like, how do I really want to say the name of the show? Is it Voses? How do I say Voses Mystikai?

Vncl∃ RS (00:16)
Mm -hmm.

Vo – Vo says, Mr. Kai.

Frater O.D. (00:36)
VOCES MYSTICAE EYE! Well anyways everybody, we’re not gonna be that fucking serious while we’re here chopping it up. That’s not how I do things. I like to bring a lot of levity, but as we are testing our equipment, getting this thing started, I’d like to say welcome to Voces Mysticae EYE!

Vncl∃ RS (00:38)

Welcome to Voces Mysticae.

Frater O.D. (00:58)
The gateway where the mystical and the mundane meet in a symphony of wisdom. I’ll be your master of ceremonies, Frater O.D., and I’m joining forces with the complex and ever enigmatic Uncle RS. We’ll be your guides through the shadowy paths of magic and mystery, illuminating them as we go, of course. Each week, we’ll bring to the fore the hidden knowledge that has shaped the mystical world, from forgotten rituals to the silent whispers of the occult.

Join us as we explore the depths of mysticism, sharing insights gleaned from the corners of the unknown, and prepare to have your reality questioned as well as your perception. Well, here we are.

launching the ship, an inaugural episode, just fire in a way, and the beginning of a beautiful friendship, right, Louie? You know, that’s one of the things I do hope to talk about is having an episode every season of pop culture and how the occult blends into pop culture. And I think, you know, to start out, what I’d like to talk about is today.

Vncl∃ RS (01:49)

Frater O.D. (02:13)
why we’re doing this. What is it that has given us the drive to put something like this together, other than just being, you know, famous talking heads. That’s why everybody starts a podcast now, right?

No, it’s not? Okay.

Vncl∃ RS (02:33)
Not as of today, at least. Maybe not before, but not as of today.

Frater O.D. (02:37)
But yeah, so I wanted to talk about what’s our motivation behind this project, what we feel is missing within the occult community, and just have a free flowing convo about that so that everybody who’s a listener getting ready to listen to our guest episodes gets to know us a little bit first before we start involving others.

Vncl∃ RS (03:02)
Cool. So one of the problems that I’ve always had and I think that we can address that is.

What are you actually doing?

Frater O.D. (03:14)

Vncl∃ RS (03:15)
What are you actually doing? I mean, are you, are you doing mental masturbation or are you doing magic? Cause how many people have we seen in the last year that are out there just out there.

Frater O.D. (03:30)
I’m with you with that, as I’m sure you know, given that’s one of the contexts that I really want to frame this show in. There’s a million shows out there that are talking about the theory, right? Half of any book any author is writing is about the theory.

I remember coming into this and beginning my exploration of the occult and I came to it through witchcraft. Like I came to it through the craft. That was my first entry point outside of, you know…

explorations in comparative religion, you know, exploring. I did some time with Zen Buddhism. I did some time in Native American spiritual traditions before I started to get back into the Western tradition and exploring the Oogie Boogie of the occult, right? And the first gateway for me was the craft. And what I love about the craft is it’s so light on the theory.

Right? It’s not a bunch of headspace stuff. It’s very simple. Here’s the rules. Here’s what you do. Gather a bunch of stuff and you get your hands dirty and you fucking make something. You make something out of it. Literally, like half of the craft is a physical exercise. It’s putting something together. And that’s what I really value about that.

aspect of the occult that’s still alive and well right now is thriving, right? Even in, I think, the circles that you and I cross over in, it’s not that way, right? You know, when you get into the areas of high magic and all of this, it does become mental masturbation and you have to ask the question, how much is being done versus how much is being talked about?

in online spaces and as much fun as it is to talk like it is here, right? To talk about it, to share your experiences. How many of us are doing an incredible disservice to ourselves and to those that we speak to when all we’re doing is the thinking, right? Just think of like the first couple of books you opened up when you got into this, right? The book’s this thick, this much of it is theory.

Vncl∃ RS (05:48)
Libert No.

Frater O.D. (05:51)
right? Like most of them. And then there’s, there’s like two spells. Here’s a ritual and two spells. And they’re like, one is for love. And one is for money. And that’s the end of the book. Like, they’re fantastic things, right? I mean,

Vncl∃ RS (06:05)
Which are good things. Good things.

Frater O.D. (06:10)
For me, might as well be the whole thing, right? I was writing today about why is it that we have to separate things in such a dualistic nature? Magic is supposed to be for spiritual attainment. Anything else is just, okay, stop. No, it can be both. And why couldn’t you explore spiritual attainment through?

spell craft. Why couldn’t you attain a level of spiritual evolution or attainment through simple spells like love, right? I want to bring love into my life. I think that’s going to elevate me in some way on a spiritual level, right? It’s not just something that’s material, not that the material is bad, which is another thing I’d like to dispel.

Vncl∃ RS (06:49)
Mm -hmm.

Frater O.D. (06:58)
tired of everybody giving the material realm this backhanded compliment all the time, or not so much sometimes. But yeah, so the praxis element of it, the actual practice, what are you doing instead of leaning so heavily on this theoretical discussion all the time is something I think is sorely missing.

Vncl∃ RS (07:19)
You know, one thing I often wonder, and this is true of the, of our magical ancestors too, I think, in the Western occult, are you happy? Cause most of them didn’t seem very happy a lot of the time. Is it working? What, what good is being able to change the world around you if you can’t be happy about it? Love and finance are okay. It’s okay to be physically, I lived under a bridge two years ago.

Frater O.D. (07:32)
That’s true.

Vncl∃ RS (07:49)
Come on, it’s okay to not want that. Crowley died in poverty. What’s that?

Frater O.D. (07:53)
It’s okay to have security?

It’s okay to have security, a little bit of freedom.

Vncl∃ RS (07:59)
Yeah, isn’t it? What is your magic doing if it’s not making you happy as well? It doesn’t make sense.

Frater O.D. (08:08)
True. Yeah, go on. Crowley died in poverty.

Vncl∃ RS (08:11)
Crowley died in poverty.

He’s actually lived most of his life in poverty, I think, because his friends gave him a lot of money.

Frater O.D. (08:18)
Well, he made poor decisions, but who doesn’t when they’re exploring some of this? I mean, I’ve certainly made some poor decisions while exploring the occult. But yeah, I think that, you know, we were talking about this before we hit record and this aspect of…

Vncl∃ RS (08:20)
You did.

I lived under a bridge two years ago. I made the bad decisions.

Frater O.D. (08:42)
We do in the process of trying to understand what this ritual is that we’re about to do, right? You pick up a book or you pick up a path and the ultimate goal is to get into a space where you can perform the ritual and elicit some sort of experience. And that experience hopefully shifts you in some way.

gives you some sort of change or gives you some sort of knowledge or gnosis, something that is going to fundamentally change the way that you’re operating in the world. And we get into these.

Vncl∃ RS (09:14)
Knowledge and or experience. Knowledge and or experience.

Frater O.D. (09:22)
books, right? And, or even instruction, and we get so caught up in the theory. And as I was telling you, I’ll be reading something and I’ll start my brain will just automatically start putting the pieces together. It’s like, connect the dots as much as possible, and it’ll do it across different lines. I’ll be sitting there and I’ll be like, okay, this relates to that this okay, so I can put that in a frame of reference. This here belongs to some platonic thought, but over here, we’ve got something Judaic, how do they fit together, and I’ll get lost in mental soup.

And in that process, what I find is once that theory is overwhelming me, it’s time for me to go do that ritual, right? I think the instructional piece of this, the theory’s given and it turns your mind into mush anyways, because you’re not ready for what the master’s teaching you to begin with and the ritual settles it down.

it starts to strip away the dross, reveal the gem within, and integrate that theory and that knowledge into you in so far as that experience piece of the puzzle. And without that, without a rigorous method of sitting down and doing the work, everybody talks about doing the work, but you can tell really quickly who isn’t doing the work.

by how much they talk in my experience. Silence is a virtue and, man, I’m guilty of it too. I used to talk all the time about what I was working on, what I was doing. I’m following this right now. I’m doing this thing. And I would talk about it because there’s a, there is a need for community. There’s a need to be validated within the community. And I understand that it’s, it’s a natural human component, right? We want to.

Vncl∃ RS (11:07)
Mm -hmm.

Frater O.D. (11:15)
have some validation. But if that’s all you’re searching for, you’re in the wrong place. Like this is supposed to fundamentally change the way that you show up in the world and fundamentally change how you perceive the world. And if you’re in it just for validation of your daydreaming stories, you know, the thing is, and I think this is vital for us to talk about is,

We can daydream all we want. And if we go into the ritual with a bunch of fucked up soup in our head, and we only do the ritual a couple of times, we’re opening ourselves up to these forces without really integrating anything within that context, without a rigorous framework of doing this stuff. And that’s gonna only further spin us out, I think.

Vncl∃ RS (12:13)
Mm -hmm.

Frater O.D. (12:14)
You know, say you’ve got a person who’s talking everybody’s ear off online and they do the ritual a couple of times. They think they have this experience, but say they don’t do it enough. I remember going through the Golden Dawn material in a temple setting and they’re like, you need to do this ritual like hundreds, hundreds of times. And I’m like, why?

Well, now I understand, but, but like, and I don’t think everybody does understand that. They think, okay, I can do this a couple of times, you know, maybe even a dozen times and it’ll, it’ll have an effect. It will to a certain extent, but these, these, these rituals, these rights, these spells, whatever, whatever we’re talking about are not meant to be one -offs normally.

in my experience. This is something that’s supposed to be an active component of your day. It’s supposed to be something that changes the way that you operate. And I don’t know if I can, I could probably talk for an hour about how much of that is missing, but I’m gonna let you go after it for a minute.

Vncl∃ RS (13:06)

Well, I think a lot of people say they do dailies, but you can tell they don’t. You there’s no question that they’re not doing data. And if they are, they’re not doing the regular regular regular Lee or they’re not doing them right for them. Cause everybody’s everybody’s is different. You got to do your work, you know, and you don’t want me rule zero. You got to do you capital Y O you that’s, that’s all there is to it. And, and if, because

Frater O.D. (13:49)

Vncl∃ RS (13:53)
You and I cannot do somebody else. We could lead them, but we can’t be that person. We can’t be the spiritual growth that they need.

Frater O.D. (13:55)
Mm -hmm.

Vncl∃ RS (14:04)
We can’t do that. But what we can do is we can guide them to steps that we’ve gone through, or maybe our guests have gone through, to get to that point where you’re actually doing something worthwhile and you’re not just stroking your own ego, which is a problem we see all the time. And I’ve seen this outside of the online networks, outside of it, where people are vying for position.

Frater O.D. (14:12)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm. yeah.

Vncl∃ RS (14:34)
or trying to get laid. That’s their primary goal is to get laid. Dude, this is not the easiest way to get laid, I’m just telling you. I mean, it’ll work. It’ll work, but it’s not the easiest. And maybe one of these times we’ll explore one of my stories about what I will, the lengths I will go to to get laid, but that’s, or would go to, I’m married now, so there you go.

Frater O.D. (15:01)
There’s plenty of hoodoo bags for that sort of thing, right? But yeah, go on.

Vncl∃ RS (15:04)
There you go. There you go. But.

But that’s what I, the dailies and everybody who knows me knows that’s my thing is the dailies. You got to do your day. If you don’t do anything else, right? Every day, you meditate every day and it doesn’t take more than two minutes to meditate. You can do it in less with a lot of practice. It doesn’t take more than two minutes. Controlled breathing is all that, all that you got to do, right? So you’re in control and you’re focused your mind. journaling, you got to write it down.

Frater O.D. (15:24)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Vncl∃ RS (15:37)
You’ve got to write down your experiences and there’s w w we’ll probably get into that kind of stuff later on to what you should journal and what you what, what you can, if you want to, you know, and what you must have document, have documented at times. and then, of course, a banishing ritual of some form, you gotta find one that works. And like, if we’ll probably end up going into the LBRP.

Frater O.D. (15:49)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Vncl∃ RS (16:06)
But we’ll have to, you know the books better than I do. But I can tell you from practice, I promise you. But I can go into the practice and how you can use it and how you can take that breath and do it like a kia in a combat area. That’s all it is. It’s the same kind of energy that boom, I got to get everything I can into this single motion.

I’ve got to do that. This single motion, I got to get that perfect. Not perfect, but perfectly projected.

Frater O.D. (16:38)
Mm -hmm.


I think, well, in the context of that ritual too, that ritual is wonderful because there’s so much of a training that goes on. It familiarizes yourself and, you know, we’re just, we’re doing a micro episode here on the LBRP. It’s got the sacred vocalization. It’s got the vibration. It’s got the gesture. It’s got your directionals. It’s got circumambulation. It’s got every component.

Vncl∃ RS (16:52)


Frater O.D. (17:14)
in one ritual and I feel like if it’s not for even the banishing aspect of it, which everybody really focuses on, like it’s overly focused in my opinion because it’s such a Swiss army knife, right? You know, we talk… Yeah.

Vncl∃ RS (17:27)
right well the LRP instead of the LBRP.

Frater O.D. (17:32)
Yeah, and like the greater ritual of the pentagram, just in general, there’s so many facets to it, but we focus so much on the LBRP, but it really is a training module for every single mechanical feature that you’re going to need to build your own things, right? It teaches you, in my opinion, the most important is the vocalization. If you don’t have that vocalization,

For me, it doesn’t necessarily work. Everybody has their own aspect to it that helps them get into it, right? Some people are really heavy on visualization, right? This is another reason why doing it is important. Because if you’re in a context of a community talking about this stuff, someone is going to tell you, you’ve got to visualize the pentagrams and they have to be blue. It’s bullshit.

Vncl∃ RS (18:08)
Mm -hmm. Right.

Some people don’t have that ability, period. Their brain does not provide that.

Frater O.D. (18:25)
It took it. And for me, like visualization was a chore.

It was a chore. Like I myself am more inclined towards claircognizance or claircentience instead of clairvoyance or even clairaudience. Those sorts of things don’t really come naturally to me. So the visualization piece, I would just, you know, I’d work at it. And dude, I tell you that like the just the drawing of them in my mind, it would get all squiggly on me. And I’m like, that’s how I know I’m unfocused. I better stop. I’m going to start over. I’m going to hit that QC again and get myself.

because I’m not able to draw this in my mind without it going fucking wing on me. It’s not going to be effective. But I was so stuck on that visualization piece thinking I had to get that part absolutely correct because somebody else told me about their praxis. Right.

This is this is one of the other pieces that I think is is is important. It’s we’re talking about telling people to go do the thing, right? Well, they’re going to come back. They’re going to come back with questions. You’re like, hey, you know, this isn’t working for me. And that that’s great. That’s OK, right? That’s 100 percent more. I don’t want to say valid, but I want to say valid than talking about the theory of it. Yes. Yeah. It’s more productive. It’s more conducive.

Vncl∃ RS (19:43)
productive? productive? would that be a good word?

Frater O.D. (19:49)
to growth if we had those kind of questions, but we don’t see those very often. It’s like, it’s more about like, which angel is more powerful, Michael or?

that again. And so like, when it comes to those sorts of questions, I’m all for it, like ask away. But even there, I want to harp on like silence, like how vital silence is, right? You, you, anything you tell another person, again, going back to my thing, my hang up on speaking,

Vncl∃ RS (20:20)
Mm -hmm.

Frater O.D. (20:31)
Anything you tell another person whether it’s in a magical context or a mundane context can be used against you Even if it’s subconsciously right somebody may not like you right and now you’re talking about how much you’re struggling No, yes, this is true

Vncl∃ RS (20:37)


I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m the sweetest person on the planet and the most humble.

Frater O.D. (20:51)
But in this context of working in the magical community, talking to people under an anonymity label, like the veil of anonymity, you’re opening yourself up to making that ritual harder. You really are. Because you’ve got other people who are pouring out energy at an elevated level because they’re engaging in some of this, right? Maybe they’re engaging in it at this level or this level, it doesn’t matter. They’re engaging at a level that’s probably more than your standard normie, right?

And you’ve just told them that you’re struggling to banish.

Vncl∃ RS (21:29)
pray. No, that’s the first thing. That’s when you said that’s first thing it struck my mind because I’m a competitive guy. I have to watch that. But if I’m not somebody that knows, knows themselves and that’s the way I think I’m automatically targeting that person who has shown their belly to me.

Frater O.D. (21:31)

Mm -hmm.

Right? Exactly. Like, some people do, some people will just naturally do that. They’re not even, it’s not even premeditative. Right?

And so I think it’s vital to ask questions, but be very careful about what information you give, right? Even information about your personal life is not smart to give away. But yeah, so kind of opened up an interesting box there. Silence is something that we should definitely talk about, you know, to know, to dare, to be silent. The four pillars, but…

Yeah, so Praxis is going to be a major focus of the show here. Each episode that we do, we’re going to be inviting guest hosts or guest speakers to play with us here in this space and bring along a little bit of a practical exercise because if you’re not, as Zunk says, doing it daily, what are you doing? Right? And…

Vncl∃ RS (22:51)
You’re skipping leg day. That’s the problem.

Frater O.D. (22:55)
Well, the funny thing is, is that a certain point, and I don’t know if you’ve found this, what seems like a lot of work at first becomes easier as you do it, right? And then after that point, it just becomes integrated into your life. And it’s not like a, I have to do a thing, it’s just how you are, right?

Vncl∃ RS (23:06)
It’s everything.

Frater O.D. (23:17)
I can wake up, I can do the LBRP in my head if I need to. I have other methods for banishing quicker. Magic just becomes a part of what I do or how I am, even meditating, right? Like you said, two minutes. If you’re busy as fuck, all you gotta do is in those micro moments throughout the day, you’re driving somewhere, you’re brushing your teeth, you’re standing in the shower. It does. Stoplight.

Vncl∃ RS (23:46)
We’re not advocating meditating while you drive. We’re not doing that. Driving is a meditative exercise by itself. Once you’re experienced at it, it really is.

Frater O.D. (23:50)
We aren’t? No, me and… It is. And so like, even with meditation, which if you’re not doing that, you’re not doing anything. And I can’t stress that enough. If you do not have a meditative practice at first, the rest of this is fairly impossible. Maybe fairly improbable, but you know, I like to be hyperbolic from time to time.

And so praxis will be a focus of what we talk about and hopefully each of our guests will bring something to talk about that we can give to the community give to the listenership to to put in to their work and Hopefully we’ll get into some weird shit some shit that we’ve never tried before That’s what I’m about is that like a magic kink like give me some of that weird magic Yeah, I’m into the weird

Vncl∃ RS (24:36)
I like that.

It depends on whether you’re practicing or not. That’s the thing. I think it depends on whether you’re, I haven’t met anybody that regularly practices that doesn’t want to see something weird going on because the weird becomes mundane after a while. Still beautiful. I mean, you know, a rose is technically a mundane thing, but it’s a beautiful thing. And, but when, when the weird, it becomes mundane, you look for more weird cause weirds fun.

Frater O.D. (24:57)
Mm -hmm.

That’s true, and that’s another piece that I kind of wanted to talk about just briefly, is that this idea that there’s a separation between the magical and the mundane is so overplayed. If at a certain point everything is magic, and if you’re not seeing that, then you’ve got bigger fish to fry. You’ve got a bigger problem, and it’s usually somewhere in the ego.

And that kind of brings us to ego method check or the ego check method. Take us into that to that storm there.

Vncl∃ RS (25:41)
Mm -hmm.

Well, you know, it’s hard for somebody as humble as myself to really address that. But as I look forward, I think the biggest problem with ego is it makes you. Ignore all of the cues that something is going wrong. That’s the biggest single threat of your, of your ego going wild.

Frater O.D. (26:08)

Vncl∃ RS (26:12)
And so in my opinion ego magic is a way to rope that in Not to cancel it because you have your ego is an important aspect of the self You can’t get rid of it, but it’s not supposed to be in charge So It’s it’s not that’s that’s precisely the problem. It’s not good at it

Frater O.D. (26:24)
Mm -hmm.

Exactly. It’s bad at it, right?

It’s like I have this metaphor that I use with people all the time when they talk about the ego. And I’m like, the ego is not the problem here. The problem is that, and I go, imagine yourself working in retail. Okay, you’ve just given the general manager position to the guy who’s always late, to the guy who doesn’t know how to run the computers.

to the guy who doesn’t know how to talk to his coworkers. You’ve just given him the job to run the whole show. And now you want to yell at him for not doing the job right. You did this. You did this. It’s not his fault that he doesn’t have the tools to do the job. And there’s another piece to this, this metaphor.

When we let the ego run the show, it’s a little bit like a wizard tower, right? Up in the top of the wizard tower is the ego and he’s fully maniacal and he’s casting fireballs. And you’re like, poor me. And you’re down in the dungeon. You’re down in the dungeon, Unc, and it’s, it’s all walled in with bricks. Each one of those bricks is some bullshit belief that you accepted. And you.

You’re sitting there actively just putting them in around you. You’re like, if I could only ever get out of this prison and get to that damn ego up there. If I could only do it. And then you look and the door’s open. It’s been open the whole time.

Vncl∃ RS (28:22)
Maybe I better break that over to stay safe.

Frater O.D. (28:25)
They do until there’s even just one left and and then we find ourselves in total victimhood and it’s it’s nobody’s fault because what they’re missing in that story what they’ve cleverly forgotten is that there was a discussion at one point where we said you know what I’m too scared to do this I need you to run the show for me and the ego says okay I’m gonna do that.

Vncl∃ RS (28:26)
That’s what people do.

Mm -hmm.

because it can do that. It can do that. It could run with scissors. It’s not worried about that.

Frater O.D. (28:55)
Beca – Beca –

No, in fact, it would prefer that it does because its job is to protect you from running with scissors. That’s its fucking job. It was your best friend when you were growing up and you hurt yourself and it said, you know what, let’s not do that.

Vncl∃ RS (29:04)

Frater O.D. (29:15)
and you’re like, okay dude, I can trust you. And then when the world gets too hard, you say, you know what, you run it. You do it because all of the things that I want to be are more like you and all the things that I should, I don’t like the word should, should’s a dirty word. All the things that I have potential to become are frightening to me. I don’t want to step into those shoes. So I will accept.

the narrative that was given to me by the outside world, by my peers, by my parents, by, you know, society, and I’ll project it out there and I’ll let this thing run the show. And I’ll hang out here in the safety of the brick dungeon, just playing Legos.

Vncl∃ RS (30:04)
Yep. Were you trying to lead me into my, my three rules? Is that what you’re trying to get me to do? Cause that’s just exactly what you described right there was the results of my own your own shit. If you find a problem, you fix the problem. If you can’t fix the problem, you find somebody that can. Right. That’s all there’s to it. That’s rule one. Rule two. Very simple. Let your brain do its job. The brain as an organ in your, in your, in your body, all it does all day long is answer questions.

Frater O.D. (30:07)
I think so.

Mm -hmm.

Vncl∃ RS (30:32)
Usually it’s answering, is my blood pressure too high? Am I breathing fast enough? Am I hungry? Usually that’s it. But sometimes it gets your intellect asks it a question, and it’ll answer that question. And if you ask your brain, why am I so stupid? Your brain doesn’t know you’re not stupid. It knows that you just told it, you’re stupid. OK, I’m stupid. Now, why am I stupid? So 24 hours a day.

365 days a year until you figure out a way to make it stop. It’s going to tell you not only that you’re stupid, but why. And it’s going to come up with all kinds of creative ways that show you as being stupid. That’s what it does. I know this. I watched it. I’ve watched it over and over. So you got to learn to let your brain work with better questions. How do I feel smarter is a much more useful question than why am I stupid? you don’t feel smart, but your brain wants you to.

That and that and your that’s where your ego kicks in. I want to feel smart, right? So you’re getting extra bonus points in there on that how to feel smarter and it’ll answer that again 24 hours a day 365 days a year. It’ll tell you how to feel smarter because that’s what it does. Third thing, rip out the negative. If it’s making you weaker, get rid of it. Now some things you can’t get rid of easily or at all. It’s a fact they’re part of your life. You got to deal with them, but that falls under section one.

Frater O.D. (31:53)
Mm -hmm.

Vncl∃ RS (31:58)
If it’s something you can’t get rid of, now it’s a problem you got to fix. So you got to make that, that weakness work for you somehow. That’s how it rolls over. And so let’s rip out the negative. What I tell people is when you’re working in your garden and you get weeds, you pull the weeds, right? So your garden grows strong. You get rid of the weeds. There are several things you can do with those weeds out there in your hand. You can just toss them out. Okay. They’re gone. If you actually get those problems,

Frater O.D. (32:07)

Vncl∃ RS (32:27)
you can throw them on a fire you can burn them. Right then you got heat I suggest making tea over that heat. Right there you go or you can throw them on a compost pile and grab all that carbon that that they stole from your plants already put it back in your garden next year. You can you can you can loan that forward those are all the ways that you can deal with the negative and then rule zero which I talked about before.

Frater O.D. (32:37)

Vncl∃ RS (32:57)
You do you, you’re in charge. You got to do you. And that’s how you make all those. I always list rules zero last because none of it works without that.

Frater O.D. (32:57)
You do you. Yeah.

Mm -hmm.

Well you do you or somebody else will.

Vncl∃ RS (33:11)
Well, you’ll get done. You will get done. It’s up to you how you get done. Standing up or bent over, it’s up to you. Well, that’s true. I hadn’t thought of that.

Frater O.D. (33:20)
or if you enjoy it, you know, it’s up to you.

So some people are glutton for punishment and and that is No, no not here to not here to shame but

Vncl∃ RS (33:29)
Yeah. Nothing wrong with that.

Well, a lot of people, a lot of people take the, go ahead and do me because it’s easier. Like the ego thing, you know, you, you let your boss run your entire life instead of just your job. I’ve seen that more than, more than my fair share of times. Cause when I was going to college, I delivered pizza and there’s a thing you need to know about the manager at a pizza place. He’s there because he can’t do anything else. Okay. He makes really good pizzas and that’s it. That’s it.

Frater O.D. (33:42)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

So he was thrust into that position, unqualified, just like the ego, right? So the ego’s a pizza place manager. That’s what you’re trying to, that’s, you know, that’s, I don’t think we’re gonna get much farther than that exploration and gnosis right there. That’s just.

Vncl∃ RS (34:09)
Yep, just like the ego.

Yeah. Yep.

You cut out there. That’s just as all I heard.

Frater O.D. (34:29)
I said I said that’s that’s probably As far as we’ll get in gnosis tonight is that the the ego is the Pizza Hut manager?

Vncl∃ RS (34:42)
or head cashier.

Frater O.D. (34:44)
At least a key holder, at the very least.

Vncl∃ RS (34:46)
Yeah, gets paid the same, but gets to feel in charge.


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