The Body as a Temple

The Body as a Temple

Reawakening the Sacred Connection in Modern Magick Practices

In modern occult conversations, there is a glaring lack of discussion around physical health, often overshadowed by the focus on mental and spiritual well-being. This oversight is particularly concerning, given the significant role that physical health plays in magickal practices. As practitioners, how can we expect to unleash our full divine potential and will when we neglect the sacred element of the body?

I confess I have been guilty of treating my body poorly. And I know I’m not alone. Many of us in the magick community fail to adequately address our health challenges, despite the extensive information available at our fingertips. Why are so many magick practitioners reluctant to put the same effort into their physical well-being as they do their spiritual practices?

Honoring the Sacredness of Our Bodies

It’s essential to remember that our bodies are the primary instrument for magickal workings. Thus, a fit and healthy body is integral to maintaining focus and achieving the desired outcomes in our rituals. Magically-based movement practices such as yoga, qigong, tai chi, and others help to keep our body attuned like an instrument. Furthermore, a well-nourished body is better equipped to endure the physical strain of long rituals, meditation sessions, and energy work.

Our diet also plays a significant role in our magickal practices. Mindful eating, along with regular periods of fasting and consuming clean, raw foods, can reduce the burden on our digestive system and its energetic load and improve our overall well-being. In turn, this enhances our magickal abilities and willpower, allowing us to better manifest our intentions and achieve higher spiritual states or ecstatic visions.

The Importance of Discipline and Self-Awareness

Maintaining a healthy body requires discipline, which is an essential quality for any magick practitioner. Discipline demonstrates respect for ourselves, our practice, and the divine forces we seek to connect with.

Moreover, practices like yoga and qigong foster a deep sense of self-awareness and connection to the universe. Through these practices, we can develop a keener understanding of ourselves and our place in the world, ultimately strengthening our magickal work.

Healing the Rift: Reconnecting with Our Temple

It’s high time that magick practitioners acknowledge the crucial connection between physical health and spiritual potency. By incorporating mindful eating and practices like yoga and qigong into our daily routines, we can better attune to the natural harmony of the universe and empower our magickal operations.

The temple of the body is the dwelling place for spiritual energy, and it deserves our utmost care and attention. By tending to our physical well-being, we are not only enhancing our personal magickal practice but also honoring the divine forces that reside within and around us.

So, I pose these questions to you, my fellow magick practitioners:

  • In what ways can you improve your physical health to support your magickal practice?
  • How can we promote a culture within magick circles that places greater emphasis on the connection between body and spirit?
  • Are there other practices or disciplines you have found helpful in cultivating a healthy body and enhancing your magickal abilities?

Let’s open up the conversation and work towards healing the rift between our physical temple and our spiritual power.


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Updated on October 31, 2023
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