Whadya mean Gnosis

Whadya mean Gnosis?

What the heck is Gnosis?

Gnosis is technically defined as full and complete personal knowledge of God, an event, a fact. I maintain I have Gnosis of making and consuming a reuben sandwich. By complete personal knowledge I mean you experienced it with fully lucid awareness and have incorporated it into your mind. I claim Gnosis of Reubens because I have constructed and consumed so many. Often it is the first thing I try at a new restaurant. It is how I judge their competence. Chaos Magickians (CMs) intentionally modulate their psychology in order to know and experience one single idea or symbol. To do this we kind of circuit our brain. What do you do with it?

The purpose for a CMs achieving Gnosis is to get past the Psychic Censor. The Psychic Censor is a name for a process in your brain that says ” That doesn’t make any fucking sense! ” Your mind is composed of Licit parts, things you can control and Illicit parts, things normally out of your control. I say “normally” because it is possible to control some of these functions with practice and effort. When you fantasize or see something that is so out of place that it cannot logically exist your conscious mind rolls that around. I believe that these “nonsense” things get filtered to your memory, which is mostly illicit and partially licit in nature.. I would imagine that this is to keep you from going crazy over the conflicts of what you “know” to be true. Your Psychic Censor determines if something seems BS and it shunts it off to memory where it will hang around or get deleted1.

Choose your adventure

Your illicit mind in general does NOT know what is real. Once something is put in there, it IS real to it. I encountered this first as a squad leader in the USMC. One of my squad got a Dear John letter2. “Why doesn’t she love me?” My father gave me great advice on always telling myself what I want to be instead of what I don’t want to see. This young marine was in immense pain emotionally. He just told his illicit mind “She doesn’t love me”. There is no reason this is not possible so blip, right past the Psychic Censor. Every element is it’s own fact. Now it is his reality.

Another thing I learned is that if you ask your self a question your brain as a mechanism will continue processing that question through your licit and illicit mind until you make it stop. That means that 24/7/365 this young man was being told WHY she didn’t love him. Think about being told why you are unloved, some of you already experience this. One other thing, your brain will make shit up. It will create creative answers to those questions if you let it run long enough.

Learn to ask better questions. “How can I feel loved?” Think about answers to that 24/7/365!

Uncle RS

Since the illicit mind and memory give all the data to your licit mind to play with it is important to keep it clean and fresh. Banishing and meditation are important for this. I cannot impress enough the importance of checking yourself when you start playing around with your processor. Forcing delusions into it will cause intense challenges to your reality in the future.

Lets get on to achieving Gnosis

There are several ways I know of to do this.

  • Ecstasis is a better term for “Ecstatic or Excitatory Gnosis”. This is the process of overloading your nervous system and brain so you can only focus on one thing.

  • Trance is a much easier term to deal with than Inhibitory Gnosis. This is the process of shutting down the voices in your head so that ONLY one subject is present.

  • Indifferent Vacuity is a method for avoiding it by not creating so much noise in your brain and this allows your working slips past


Ecstasis is a lot easier to learn because the brain is designed to keep tossing bullshit around till it forms something useful. Trance takes YEARS to master though you can get results with a little practice. If you have been practicing meditation for a year and think you have mastered it… you are doing it wrong. Indifferent Vacuity is the art of doing something else and letting your brain stew on it.

The goal is to do something that causes your brain to stop processing on a conscious level. The easiest way is usually to threaten your survival state. You can also use exhaustion or shock to your system. A favorite shock of mine is jump scares from B movies.Easy Gnosis

My preferred method over all is to take a normal breath in, hold it, focus on your intent or Sigil, exhale. Keep your focus and exhale more. Nope, not done exhaling. Yah, I know it hurts ya big baby. KEEP EXHALING. Eventually your flesh will say ” FUCK YOU! ” and force you to inhale. At that moment, when you lose control of your flesh but you have your focus intact. BOOM you WILL feel it as your body and brain fight with each other that Focused intent pops right past.


Trance is challenging for many people. It is simple and it is hard. It can be as simple as counting your breaths until that is all there is, just your breathing counting down. But it has to be ALL you are doing/thinking about. That is where the issue is. The brain as an organ runs all the time. All it does is answer questions. Is my pulse high enough? Is my blood pressure too high? Am I hungry or just thirsty? That is what it does. It also processes your mind. How that works is beyond the scope of this writing. Keep in mind this is also why putting bad data into your illicit mind is harmful.

So how do you get to thinking about one single thing? You practice by letting one thought at a time go. Empty your mind one thought at a time. Give that thought no weight, no mass, no additional energy. Let it just pass through your skull like the simple people do. If it comes back don’t beat yourself up. It happens. One thing most modern magickians are not is forgiving. Forgive yourself. Let it go. Thought gone? Good. Now the next one, and another, and that one. If you are new to this, it is hard right? Seems like it would be simple and it is, once you learn to do it3. So is juggling! The good news is with practice you can make this as quick as closing and opening your eyes in a state of mindfulness. Quality over speed always.

I will say I am no Master at Trance. I have been meditating close to daily for over 40 years I am pretty good at it. I can do things with my pulse, blood pressure, and given enough time White and Red Cell counts that really piss off my doctor. I plan to outlive you all. Trance can do that level of powerful stuff. The trick is to shut down thoughts one at a time until the only functional Licit thought is your focus.

Indifferent Vacuity

Indifferent Vacuity is doing something else while your magick loads in the background. You create your Focus and use it while you go for a walk, do dishes, juggle, or ride the bus. You could create a Sigil on a sticky note and put it next to your computer monitor while you play a game. A mantra from your working and recite it over and over while doing anything monotonous. Many have great success with this, however, it is challenging to a good many as well. I personally find it challenging because I am not specifically “doing magick” and using distraction. Same trouble I have with studying.


Now you should be focused on most activities in magick but remember, Gnosis is knowing at a different level. Let’s think about this. Obviously Gnosis will work with Sigils, candle magick, most witchery, and short workings(I don’t prefer calling them “spells”). You can also do it at points in longer ceremonies.

Look at how much more powerful your LBRP would be if every unit of it was done with absolute singular intent! I am licensed to marry people. I use inhibitory gnosis as I name them man and wife. People have told me they FELT it from the seats.

With larger workings you can use Gnosis at every state change. Lets say I am creating a spell for protection from another hostile magickian. Here is an example.

  • On a small piece of leather carve the following words, “Abrasax Abraischo’ou”. Carry this on you.
  • Source: Lecouteux, Claude. Dictionary of Ancient Magic Words and Spells: from Abraxas to Zoar. Inner Traditions, 2015.

OK, so as you cut the leather, boom. When you carve each letter, boom. As you say the words, boom. Personally if you have the skills with leather you might as well make a bracelet with a snap, When you put it on, BOOM! Each step empowers your working with full and complete knowledge of each step buried in your Illicit mind.

I hope this was useful and enjoyable. Play with your mind! Gwaaaan, I double dog dare ya!

1 Kid’s, once upon a time you didn’t just ghost someone to break up. You hopefully would see them face to face but if you couldn’t you would usually write a letter because NOBODY had a cell phone.

2 It usually gets deleted if something is too far out there. This can be challenging if you are causing things that are too far out there.

3 A Sigil to assist with this is one of the things I would suggest creating soon in your practice.


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    1. I couldn’t do it without your support brother. It is so cool to have a good place to share my opinions and experience in a friendly environment.

Updated on April 20, 2024
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